So what do we think Internets? Will I magically become productive today. I hopes so *crosses fingers*
I am a self-proclaimed music lover. I always have been, I've been singing since I was a small child, played tenor sax throughout late elementry school and high school (... badly mind yuo, but I still played it!) and now am dedicated to my beautiful guitar. Since I started playing my guitar I have also discovered I have a knack for song writing. I mean, I may never write anything that willl last through the ages but I think if I ever put them out into public veiw, people would enjoy my songs to a certain extent (high praise I know. I try not to let it go to my head).
What always seems to get people, however, is my lack of popular (or not-so-popular) music. I have the worst memory for band names and song titles. And an even worse memory for which song title goes with which band name. I can listen to a song and be able to sing every word to it**. However, ask me who actually played the song and I will look at you with a blank look on my face.
I'm not saying this is true with EVERY song. If Im listening to my own music list I know the majority of the songs. Pretty much cause I've listened to them enough times, with a good idea of what I have and sneaking a peak at whose playing every once in a while. Also some bands do have a distinct sound or style that can be picked out from a crowd if you know them well enough. So really popular bands like the Beatles or Queen that have quickly become classics I can identify like 85% of the time.
And of course, as with my aformentioned obssession, I'm definitely starting to get to know my Youtube musicians. This is something I am very happy to have been introduced to. There are some very good musicians on youtube (as well as very adequite and very... well they try hard lol). If I had the money I would buy all their music. Unforunately I dont, but its something I may do a little at a time if I ever actually manage to find employment *seethes bitterly for a second*. Ok Im done, bitterness over. The nice thing about youtube is that even if I can't buy the music now, I have it availible for free on the inets. Gotta love the internets eh? :)
With all this music talk, one may wonder who my favourite bands are. Honestly? Im not too sure. The only band I can say without a doubt is in my top is Great Big Sea. The problem with not being able to identify bands is that its very hard to pick favourites. Also, one of my favourite FAVOURITE types of music is Showtues. Yes. I know. Sorry :P. That makes picking a favourite band difficult as well because showtunes dont really identify with a particular band or musician lol.
Overall I like the majority of music that gets thrown my way. Im not a huge fan of rap/hip-hop but I would also be lying if I said there wasnt a few songs in that genre I did actually enjoy. Sometimes I would have to be in the right mood or right astomsphere. I also dont like country music. I mean REALLY don't like country music (which I have been informed is shameful seeing as I grew up in the country. Oh well.). It's like nails on a chalkboard for me. Ugh *shudders*.
Just so you can see that I do enjoy a little of everything, I will list the genres of music I have on my own music list (that I can remember off the top of my head).
Rock (classic and new)
Japanese/Asian Pop
I may have others. Like I said, thats off the top of my head.
I'm starting to enjoy thi blogging thing - its amazing how I can ramble on once I think of a topic :P.
Well enjoy you day Internets. I bid yuo adeiu until the morrow comes!
**Well, with like 95% accuracy. When I have a trouble hearing lines in a song or they come out mumbled, I like to make up words. Or just sing words that I thought they were since I was a kid... and then get corrected by hard-core music enthusiasts with looks of horror on their face. Is saying "I am the eggplant, I am the eggplant, I am the walrus. coo coo cashew!" really all the much weirder than the actual lyrics? "I am the eggman, I am the eggman, I am the walrus. Goo goo ga-joo". Just sayin' :P
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