Saturday, 16 April 2011

Dagger in my Shoe

Once again Im trying to write this early. I have been doing fairly poorly at studying for my upcoming exams. Most of them are more than 10 days away, but one is less than a week. So I'm going to go to school today and lock myself in the library with no distractions and forcing myself to get a shit-ton of studying done!

Also I have no food again. I have this bad habbit of putting off and putting off buying groceries. Eventually I will finally get to the point of having rice, half a bag of frozen veggies and cereal but no milk. The biggest annoyance this gives is bringing my grocery bill from like $35 to like $70. I justify that by then waiting at least two weeks before I go out and get groceries again. Im not really sure if its actually a better method however...

So I live with a bunch of a guys (and one other girl). This may or may not change in the upcoming months as one of the guys is moving out and the girls is moving out (another girl is moving in, but I dont know who is filling the second room yet). Anyway, I bring this up because it hasnt become more clear as to what gender I am living with than this week. Last weekend the bathroom was supposed to be painted, so it meant we all had to use the downstairs bathroom for a couple days. And thats all it took - a couple days. But the paint on the ceiling was cracking for some unknown reason. So they had to repaint it, after "mudding it" since they didnt know what kind of paint the previous owners of the house used. But the paint STILL cracked. So what was their solution? Well lets take out the ceiling and start again! Anyway it has now been a week and I still dont have a conviently-located bathroom. Nor does it look like I'll have one by the end of the weekend (which was the third ETA they gave me). Bathroom has a ceiling, but I dont think its done *no idae how to check* and is covered in white dusty stuffs.

That brings me to what annoys me about all this. I dont mind the re-doing of the bathroom saga, honestly. I know I cant have a shower, but if I could at least use the bathroom who cares right? The people who started the painting (my landlord/roomate and his fiance) would always clean up as much as possible by the end of the day and I could use the sink. Dude  doing the ceiling leaves everything covered in white dusty stuff by the end of the day - which means using the sink would probably making my face and teeth more dirty. He just throws blankets over things to cover them (which is actually very amusing because yesterday I walked out of my room to see a naked lady staring up at me from a blanket on the floor - as in thats what the pattern was, not that a naked lady decided to crash on that blanket :P).

So I hope you enjoyed this episode of Paige Rants Tiredly. I am your host, just-woke-up Paige. Up next week - having to walk all of 2 minutes to get to the bus! *gasp*.

#firstworldproblems. Geeez my life is hard :P

Til tomorrow Internets!

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