Every once in a while I think of a really good idea for a blog after I had already written my daily blog. I need to start writing some of these ideas down or possibly writing them in advance. That would also save me time in the long run because instead of sitting here for 20 minutes when maybe I should be studying or some silly thing like that, I could just copy-paste from Word into my blog. It's be all like, efficient and stuff *because I write eloquantly*
I've always had trouble finding words. And I dont mean in the sense of "I just dont know the words to tell her that I love her!" thats easy, it would go something along the lines of "I. Love. You." Nice, quick and simple. I also dont mean in the "I dont know what to say" category because, lets be honest, I talk and ramble way too much. I always have something to say (tho, admittably, probably not always the right thing - but I try haha). No, what I mean is I literally have problems finding the right words.
Take my blog post yesterday for an example. I wasted a good ten minutes on the internet trying to figure out the word for "giving inanimate objects human characteristics." I had the word "anamorphism" stuck in head which, which if I had used it without looking it up would have been very much the wrong word. According to dictionary.com anamorphism is 1. "intense metamorphism of a rock in which high-density complex minerals are formed from simpler minerals of lower density" or 2. "a distorted image of an object, as in anamorphic art." Not QUITE the imagery I was trying to portray. I eventually googled "to give inanimate objects personality" and settled on personify. But that whole blog post it bothered me, because it was the word I was thinking of. So of course I woke up this morning (picture me waking up and bolting into a sitting position with a lightbulb over my head shouting out to the heavens/neighbours. I mean, thats not how it happened, but feel free to picture it!) with the word in my head. "Anthropomorphising" Duh. How could I have forgotten that? :P
Its not just in writing (however when I am writing, google is my best friend for that reason alone lol). I have gotten well known over the years for being the "Um" girl. Being that person who will be telling a super interesting story (because, if you can't tell from this exciting blog of my, every story I tell is exciting. And informative. Never pointless.) and then stopping in the middle and being like "And, um, yeah, um... shit where was I?" or more like "So then we hit the... uhh. Oh crap, whats the word? You know - that thing cars drive on. Oh! Road! Shit yeah that. So we hit the road and..." And that isnt an overexageration either. It literally happens for such simple and common place words like "road". Possibly because somewhere in this ambigiously coloured hair of mine there are definite strands of blonde.
And of course, this always ends up in amusing situations. Particullary when I am trying to use large words and fail because I can't remember the actual word. "I had a prepared speech and everything. I just looked them straight in the eye and I told them. I was very particulate about it to!" "...you where broken into particles about it?" "What? No, shit, I mean I spoke well and clearly..." "...articulate maybe?" "Yeah! Thats the one!"
This is even more fun in other languages. I speak a very VERY small amount of French (product of the Canadian school system I am, gr. 9 french baby!). So of course I dont really know how to pronounce a lot of words properly. Normally I speak it in a way that I am teasing myself for it (last year for the birthday of a friend of mine from Quebec I sang him "Bonnie-Fet-eh"). So of courrse that gets me in more trouble, because if I actually go speak it I manage to not have it quite work out. Ironically the french sentence I seriously try to say most often is "Je ne pas parle le Francais" (I dont know how to speak French). But I pronounce it "Je ne pas parley les Francais"... Im not 100% sure what parley means in french, and Im pretty sure the people I am speaking to don't either. On the flip side, still manages to get my point across!
Alright, um, you guys - yuo know, the ones that don't actually read my blog.. that float around the this place... oh! Internets (:P *so witty*). I feel the need for a shower coming on. I will leave you with the promise of yet another oh-so eloquantly written blog post on the morrow. Adeiu!
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