Saturday, 2 April 2011

Picturing you in your Underwear

Aha! Day two and I haven't failed yet (sort of... shhhh). I'd like to think thats some kind of an acomplishment right? Right?!

So I had a loverly interview thss morning. To be a food service guru at a Golf Club/Water Park/Recreational Facility type place. Looks like it could be fun, serving a bunch of drunk golf executives and sugar hyped children :P. What better way to spend your summer eh?
Interviews always get me, because they just feel so fake. Its like "This is the character I have created for myself, love it damnit!" I seem to play up the "people person" aspect of my personality.
Q- What makes you an asset for this type of work?
Me - I love people!
Q - Whats your weakness?
Me- I help people to much
Q- Why do you want to work here?
Me - Because of the people!
Q - What makes work fun?
Me - The people!
Q - Whats your passion?
I feel as tho these answer could easily turn into "Im actually the creeper that stares at you on the bus and plans to eat your babies." But honestly, its not true... most of the time :D

The rest of my day shall be me finishing up my oh-so-giant *sarcasm* 3-page assignment/paper thingy for my Health class and then pretending to study. Might even go for a run later, because I'll all motivated and suchlike.

Talk to yuo laters Internets!

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