It astounds me how much I am like the rest of my family. That might seem like a realy stupid statement, but hear me out.
I've always kinda seen myself as the neutral one - my family are a very large (if you include my extended family lol) group of VERY opinionated people. Now I'm not saying I've never had opinions, I've just always felt I was relatively neutral on most subjects. Often I would keep my opinions to myself, or more likely express them but try to be 'non-confrontational' about it. "Yeah, its my opinion, but yours is a cool opinion to. No really, I mean it! Long live yuor opinion... even if its the wrong opinion".
This idea of mine kinda spurs from the fact that I dislike being politically involved in things. I hear people squabbling about politics and I just get bored, I just "dont care" (one of my favourite sayings in these circumstances). And even still I cant sit through Ignatieff or Harper drone on about why the other one is evil and why they would do better running the country. When my family (extended or immediate) would start talking politics, I'd normally tune out or find something else to amuse me.
In the past 8 months (aka since I've started at my current university, University of Western Ontario, in my current program, Health Sciences) that I have a HELL of a lot of opinions. And I seem to be less afraid of rocking the boat than I like to think I am. In fact, I really enjoy having conversations and debates on these subject [disclaimer: I still seem to apologise a lot for my opinion "Sorry, its just, apparently I feel strongly about this. How weird is that?! Sorry... sorry...]. I esspecially love having these discussions with someone of the opposite opinion. This is how I am like my family - if there is one defining feature of being a Goodwin (with much Schwenk blood in me, Schwenks being my mothers side of the family) is that we LOVE to argue. Its really just what we do. Some of my fondest memories growing up are based around arguing ... not even kidding haha.
Mostly I think this opinionated, arguementative and, honestly, idealistic side of me, has really come out in the past 8 months because I am in school. This sounds stupidly cheesy, but University is opening my eyes and ears and brains to things I've never really thought about before. And giving me the facts about these issues as well. I dont like arguing when I am going to be proven wrong, but now that I have actual fact and research to back it up - I can argue to my hearts content because, even if I am wrong, I have facts to back up my wrongness damnit! And really, isnt that what its all about in the end? :D
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