Thursday, 21 April 2011

Spoon full of cyanide

You know what I love? Horoscopes. I have two regular ones that I read every day and then if I see others (such as in random newspapers and the like) I will read those as well. You might ask "Why horoscopes Paige? They're just a bunch of made up dribble and hocum" (*is please I was able to use the word 'hocum' in a post, even if I didnt spell it remotely correctly*). Well dear Internets, this is exactly why I read them. Because they are always without a doubt wrong. It's more fun to read them and be like "Ok good, now I know what my days NOT going to be like"... well this might not always be good. If my horoscope says Im going to have a perfect day, that doesnt really give me insentive to get out of bed with that thinking :P.

Probably one of my favourite days in the past few months was when everyone found out their astrological signs had changed. Leave it up to people (because we have so many other sentient beings to compare ourselves to) to find out something so insignificant changed and then panic about it. Well, my sign didnt change - I'm apparently just that hardcore of  Leo. I think my favourite was the people who had their horoscope symbol tatooed on them and then found out thats not what they were. The one thing they thought would never change, so it was safe to tatoo it forever on themselves. Oops. Because, as we all know, our personalities have nothing to do with ourselves and everything to do what time of the month we were born at.

Honestly when that news first came out I thought it was some kind of a hoax. Someone thought "hey wouldnt it be fun to report this to the media and back it up with scientific jargon that the media peoples wouldnt understand, just to see what kind of a reaction we get?". I mean honestly, how fun was it to watch people freak out about it? But apparently it only applied to a different hemisphere of the world, and, alas, all my fun was ruined. I was just waiting for them to add Ophiuchus to the daily papers.

When it comes to actual horoscope personalities, well, I'll be honest - I fit mine pretty well. I'm loud, outgoing, loyal, spot-light-loving, social, arguementative, prideful... and yet, I hate (or rather, am not very fond of) lavish spending, Im not one for being pampered (except on special occasions), I am REALLY not easily hurt or offended and (aside possibly from my mother) (or if Im pmsing, lets be honest) take critism fairly well... so yeah. It also interests me to think that if I was born 2 days later, I would have been a Vigro. So if I was born just two days later, my personlity would have been completely different? Cool. So heres what you do ladies, if you want your kid to have certain personality traits, if they want to come out sooner just suck 'em in for a couple more days and yuo'll get that kid you desire! *not that Im being cynical or anything*.

So yeah, horoscopes are fun - but honestly, not a huge believer in them. Tho apparently an Aries is my perfect match in guy. Sooo... any cute aries out there wanna hook up? :P Remember, I like being pampered, I always comes first, Im super outgiong so if it looks like Im fliting with someone else - honestly, I was just being the center of attention! Most importantly, my way or the highway bud! Now isnt that an attractive dating prospect? :P

So have a wonderful day Internets. I predict it will be you best day ever and love or wealth or luck or something wonderful like that will rain down on yuo. Unless it doesn't - it might just rain. Have fun with that! :)

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