Want to know something kind of mind blowing? In 3 days, I will be on a plane to Australia! Thats right, mind. has. been. blown.
Ok, maybe not. But it's still fricken exciting!
And techincally I'll be on a plane from London, On to Toronto... I may have even landed at the TO airport by this time on Wednesday. But close enough right?
Its all kinda starting to hit me now. My parents landed in Auz 2 days ago now, and looking at their pictures and reading their facebook posts is making it feel more real for me now. Like it is ACTUALLY happening. They are there and soon, I will be too! Holy crap!
Other blatant reminders of my upcoming adventures is the fact at that all of my projects I wanted done before I left for Auz are slowly coming to a close. I've pretty much rapped up what I have to do on my friends website logo design (for now), my final exam is on tuesday and classes are over, my *can't say online until I get to Auz cause a certain someone supposebly reads these posts* are done and just need to be packed, and my other secret project was revealed this morning! Its all rapping up nicely!
Oh, yeah, other secret project. A grad gift for some dear friends who graduated this past month (that may POSSIBLY have been supposed to be up 2 weeks ago. No one said I was punctual lol). For anyones interetst :
It's pretty silly, but I like it :D.
But yeah, with all of those things comign to an end, really all there is left to do is pack and get on a plane! (you know, after my exam is written). And then sit restlessly for like 20 hours... I REALLY hope I sit by someone interesting, or at least chatty. And you know, I would really not object to eye candy either. Just sayin' :P.
I dont think I really have too much more to say. I just keep getting these waves of holy-crap-excitment! while I've been trying to study, so I needed to outlet it a little. but HOLY CRAP Im going in Australia in 3 friggen days! It may have hit me, but it definitely still hasnt sunken in... I may have to wait until Im on the plane for that.
Anyway, Internets, I think I'm going to go run now and let off a bit of steam. Maybe that will help me concentrate on my studying a bit more and take my head out of the clouds. Aidious Amigos! :D
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Friday, 24 June 2011
Drip Drip Drop
You know how people live in squalor via the excuse "Im alergic to cleaning!", well you know something? I think I really am!
You think Im kidding. Haha, Paige is just making excuses not to clean again. But its true! I mean, just today I've been cleaning my room (a project I've been putting off for a good part of the summer) and I cannot stop sneezing. My nose is stuffed, my eyes are itchy. Its a serious problem!
I mean, suuuuure. You could say Im not allergic to cleaning, its all the dust I've disturbed as I've gone about my tidying activities. Or the chemicals they put in the so-called "chemical cleaners." But you know what I have to say to you? Disbeliever! Sure, you can make a logical justification for anything. "Oh, the sun moves across the sky because the Earth is turning, not because its being dragged across the sky by some Greek God's chariot." But really, who believes these "justifications" anyway.
What? Majority of people? Shush you!
Anyway, thats besides the point! Maybe the Earth is spinning, whoop-de-do. MY point being that cleaning makes me sneeze. And drip. And itch. So really, if you want to look at it "logically", there is cause and effect going on here. I clean - I sneeze. I dont clean, I'm relatively symptom clear. Thereby, cleaning is OBVIOUSLY the cause of my misfortune and should be avoided at all costs.
Hmmmm. Maybe I'll take my cause to the government. Once they realise what a burden I have to bear, they'll definitely provide me with someone who'll clean the house for me right? I mean, wouldnt you? Think of all the years of suffering I've been through! Years of a mother who TORMENTED me by FORCING me to do dishes, dust the living room and MAKE MY BED?! Honestly, what kind of a feind is this woman?! After the government hears of my plight, they are bound to put things right. That's what governments are for right?
No? Well what do you know? You obviously havent suffered the way I have. Geeeez, insensitive much?
*sigh* Maybe you're right. But there has to be SOME solution. I can't just be living in filth my whole life after all! Whats that? Get over myself and clean? Take an allergy pill? Gawd, there you go trying to be logical again. Whats up with that? Obviously I can't talk to you today if you're going to be like that. I'm going to go clean now instead, see how you like that! So there! Proved you wrong... SHUT UP! :P
My life is rough... BYE INTERNETS! :D
You think Im kidding. Haha, Paige is just making excuses not to clean again. But its true! I mean, just today I've been cleaning my room (a project I've been putting off for a good part of the summer) and I cannot stop sneezing. My nose is stuffed, my eyes are itchy. Its a serious problem!
I mean, suuuuure. You could say Im not allergic to cleaning, its all the dust I've disturbed as I've gone about my tidying activities. Or the chemicals they put in the so-called "chemical cleaners." But you know what I have to say to you? Disbeliever! Sure, you can make a logical justification for anything. "Oh, the sun moves across the sky because the Earth is turning, not because its being dragged across the sky by some Greek God's chariot." But really, who believes these "justifications" anyway.
What? Majority of people? Shush you!
Anyway, thats besides the point! Maybe the Earth is spinning, whoop-de-do. MY point being that cleaning makes me sneeze. And drip. And itch. So really, if you want to look at it "logically", there is cause and effect going on here. I clean - I sneeze. I dont clean, I'm relatively symptom clear. Thereby, cleaning is OBVIOUSLY the cause of my misfortune and should be avoided at all costs.
Hmmmm. Maybe I'll take my cause to the government. Once they realise what a burden I have to bear, they'll definitely provide me with someone who'll clean the house for me right? I mean, wouldnt you? Think of all the years of suffering I've been through! Years of a mother who TORMENTED me by FORCING me to do dishes, dust the living room and MAKE MY BED?! Honestly, what kind of a feind is this woman?! After the government hears of my plight, they are bound to put things right. That's what governments are for right?
No? Well what do you know? You obviously havent suffered the way I have. Geeeez, insensitive much?
*sigh* Maybe you're right. But there has to be SOME solution. I can't just be living in filth my whole life after all! Whats that? Get over myself and clean? Take an allergy pill? Gawd, there you go trying to be logical again. Whats up with that? Obviously I can't talk to you today if you're going to be like that. I'm going to go clean now instead, see how you like that! So there! Proved you wrong... SHUT UP! :P
My life is rough... BYE INTERNETS! :D
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Honestly, how is it that Im almost 2 months into summer and am still busy? I havent been bored once this summer and its awesome. And only 2 more weeks until Australia! I AM SO FRICKEN EXCITED!!! *ahem* *recomposes dignity*
I also realise I haven't done a random, babbling post in a while. Blogging during BEDA is so different that blogging without a schedule. I never had enough going on during BEDA that one days experience could fill up a blog, so I would just blog about whatever popped into my head (however random it was). Now Im trying to blog twice a week (but lets face it, its turning into once a week or less... other things that are hard without a set schedule), and am so busy that I just always have more to fill people in on. Because my life is awesome apparently. So no, definitely not complaining :P
So one of the big things going on these past two months has been my summer course Im taking. Its Health and Ethics, and surprisingly, it turned out to be very interesting. I expected it to be dry and full of theories and boring shit like that. Im not sure if its the proff or the course itself, but because its Health/Medical ethics, they are bringing a lot of practical application and real-world examples into the mix. Unfortunately I can't give you any examples, one of the class policies is confidentiality - since that's an important ethical concept in the real world. So what we hear in class, stays in class. Which is also an interesting idea. Reaffirming that idea of confidentiality before we are close to entering the medical world.
My problem with ethics, even this class, doesnt just lie in the dryness of it. I've always been one to see things from multiple examples (HowI argue "Look, Im not saying I dont agree with you, but you have to think of it this way as well!" or "Well what about this? Or this? or this? or this?" lol. argueing is fun). I had a hard time writing my essay for example (regarding the growing US market around egg donation. Based off of this http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2004/4/29/will-you-be-my-babys-mama/ article). As an issue itself, I dont feel that its strickly unethical. I feel there are parts of it that could be, but its annoyingly grey in terms of ethics. It didnt help that I had many conversations with my essay editing peeps about different circumstances when it may be more or less ethical, making it even harder to "pick a side".
It also gets frusterating in class. I've discovered I love having a good disscussion class. Mostly because I talk a lot and have an opinion on everything. But it can also get really frusterating when someone just picks one side and REFUSES to see anyone elses point of view. I'm lucky in this class that it doesnt happen too often, but often enough. We've formed groups that we break into for disccussions now and there is one specific guy in my group how just obviously doesnt care and doesn't want to change his views on anything. I hope this guy isnt planning on heading to MedSchool because I'd hate to have him as my doctor. He wouldn't listen to a word the patient said and would just do things the way he thought best... ok, so he sounds like most other doctors I've had. Doesnt make it any less true however.
But other than that, most people are really good about discussions. Even if people have differening opinions, we listen and take that into account. Its a smaller class as well (only about 20-30 people. As opposed to most of the classes I've had here so far which are about 200-500 people) so we're starting to get to know each other a little. My favourite moment ever happened yesterday. We were broken up into our groups and tasked with creating our own civilization/society based around ethical principles and had to take into consideration everything from the largest infrastructure to the tiniest details. It was really hard and reaffirms something I have known forever - I am NEVER going into government and NEVER going into administration. I'd be put into an insane asylum by the end of the month.
So at the end of the class, each group presented their civilization. Group number 3 was my favourite, because their Civilization name was Mordor. But it got better, because the first question asked by the class was from a girl sitting beside me. "So, can one simply walk in?" A few of us laughed pretty hard (ah, Im with my people :) ) and the rest kinda did the nervous giggle of "I know that was a joke, but I dont understand why..." It was a brilliant moment and that girl and I walked away from class talking about nerdy stuff together. Because once a nerd discovers another nerd, its hard to seperate them :P.
Anyway, the last class in next week and the exam the week after that. And then, and then? And then I fly to AUSTRALIA! Fuck Im excited about that. Im not sad the class is ending or anything silly like that, but I actually have enjoyed taking it this year, as weird as that is lol.
So I hope you've had a good week Internets. I'll try to post a bit more in the next two weeks before I leave. And I'll try to update consistently in Auz. I will have my computer with me, so I dont really have any good excuses not to. But I guess we'll see what happens once I get there lol. Until then, Laterzzz Gaterzzz :D
I also realise I haven't done a random, babbling post in a while. Blogging during BEDA is so different that blogging without a schedule. I never had enough going on during BEDA that one days experience could fill up a blog, so I would just blog about whatever popped into my head (however random it was). Now Im trying to blog twice a week (but lets face it, its turning into once a week or less... other things that are hard without a set schedule), and am so busy that I just always have more to fill people in on. Because my life is awesome apparently. So no, definitely not complaining :P
So one of the big things going on these past two months has been my summer course Im taking. Its Health and Ethics, and surprisingly, it turned out to be very interesting. I expected it to be dry and full of theories and boring shit like that. Im not sure if its the proff or the course itself, but because its Health/Medical ethics, they are bringing a lot of practical application and real-world examples into the mix. Unfortunately I can't give you any examples, one of the class policies is confidentiality - since that's an important ethical concept in the real world. So what we hear in class, stays in class. Which is also an interesting idea. Reaffirming that idea of confidentiality before we are close to entering the medical world.
My problem with ethics, even this class, doesnt just lie in the dryness of it. I've always been one to see things from multiple examples (HowI argue "Look, Im not saying I dont agree with you, but you have to think of it this way as well!" or "Well what about this? Or this? or this? or this?" lol. argueing is fun). I had a hard time writing my essay for example (regarding the growing US market around egg donation. Based off of this http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2004/4/29/will-you-be-my-babys-mama/ article). As an issue itself, I dont feel that its strickly unethical. I feel there are parts of it that could be, but its annoyingly grey in terms of ethics. It didnt help that I had many conversations with my essay editing peeps about different circumstances when it may be more or less ethical, making it even harder to "pick a side".
It also gets frusterating in class. I've discovered I love having a good disscussion class. Mostly because I talk a lot and have an opinion on everything. But it can also get really frusterating when someone just picks one side and REFUSES to see anyone elses point of view. I'm lucky in this class that it doesnt happen too often, but often enough. We've formed groups that we break into for disccussions now and there is one specific guy in my group how just obviously doesnt care and doesn't want to change his views on anything. I hope this guy isnt planning on heading to MedSchool because I'd hate to have him as my doctor. He wouldn't listen to a word the patient said and would just do things the way he thought best... ok, so he sounds like most other doctors I've had. Doesnt make it any less true however.
But other than that, most people are really good about discussions. Even if people have differening opinions, we listen and take that into account. Its a smaller class as well (only about 20-30 people. As opposed to most of the classes I've had here so far which are about 200-500 people) so we're starting to get to know each other a little. My favourite moment ever happened yesterday. We were broken up into our groups and tasked with creating our own civilization/society based around ethical principles and had to take into consideration everything from the largest infrastructure to the tiniest details. It was really hard and reaffirms something I have known forever - I am NEVER going into government and NEVER going into administration. I'd be put into an insane asylum by the end of the month.
So at the end of the class, each group presented their civilization. Group number 3 was my favourite, because their Civilization name was Mordor. But it got better, because the first question asked by the class was from a girl sitting beside me. "So, can one simply walk in?" A few of us laughed pretty hard (ah, Im with my people :) ) and the rest kinda did the nervous giggle of "I know that was a joke, but I dont understand why..." It was a brilliant moment and that girl and I walked away from class talking about nerdy stuff together. Because once a nerd discovers another nerd, its hard to seperate them :P.
Anyway, the last class in next week and the exam the week after that. And then, and then? And then I fly to AUSTRALIA! Fuck Im excited about that. Im not sad the class is ending or anything silly like that, but I actually have enjoyed taking it this year, as weird as that is lol.
So I hope you've had a good week Internets. I'll try to post a bit more in the next two weeks before I leave. And I'll try to update consistently in Auz. I will have my computer with me, so I dont really have any good excuses not to. But I guess we'll see what happens once I get there lol. Until then, Laterzzz Gaterzzz :D
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Frozen Pup-sicles
Heya Internets. It feels like a really long time since I posted something, but I think its just because I've been keeping myself busy. Still, I dont think I've been living up to my "posting twice a week" promise I made. Maybe once a week which, for me, is pretty good.
Im having an absolutely awesome summer. Like I said, I've been keeping myself busy which is actually kind of surprising to me. I completely thought that when I actually had free time after all that studying I'd just waste it on the internet. Sit inside all day and stare at my computer and be bored. But I dont like being bored, so I havent done that. The last few days have been gorgeous, so I have spent as much time outside as physically possible - whether it be biking or walking or running or sitting on the patio with my roomates and neighbours or sitting on the patio by myself and reading. I actually am at least a shade darker white than normal! Actually, considering that it's been liek 45 degrees with the humidex, I'm surprised I dont have a burn. Being in a Health Science course however has made me super paranoid about skin cancer tho, so I have been lathering up the sunscreen lol.
When Im not outside, I still have stuff to do. I am taking that summer course, so I'll be writing notes or studying for my midterm on monday. Now I have an essay due in a little over a week, so thats a main focus for me. As well I've been getting my creative on - for example that awesome video I've made for ma mother. I've also been doing more on photoshop, playing around with Adobe Premier so that next time I go to edit things I shalt have a stonger grasp on how it works. Its an awesome program, I still have so much to learn on it. I've also been song writing again, specifically a present for a friend of mine. I dont want to say anything about it tho, just in case she (erm, I mean, or he.... yeah...) reads my blog. I've also been working on gifts for a few other people as well.
ON TOP of all that, my delightful bestie has commissioned (erm, for free) me to design a logo for a website she's designing this summer. She's thinking about possibly persueing that as part of her career and is testing out her skill and enjoyment by designing a website for her mothers quilting. (Her mother makes AMAZING quilts, one of which I was lucky enough to get as a grad present coming out of high school.) She also is trying to figure out a good name for the website, but it's hard as most of the good ones are already in use. Right now they've settled on Hearts and Stitches Quilts, but I dunno - I think its kind of lame. I just am having trouble coming up with something better (which is kind of unusual for me).
My sister and I are also going to be doing a fun creative project, although it wont start until I go to Australia. When she saw my rap video she sent me a message on FB just PRAISING my creative abilities (cause I am just so wonderful :P) and decided that when I get to Auz, we have to do something like that together. So my minds being flying around with ideas, probably (hopefully) more than one of them will be getting done. I think a big reason why I am enjoying this summer so much is that I have so much more time than normal to persue some of my creative endevours that I'll often put off for "more important things." Well, with no job and only a little bit of school, my creativness becomes my important things :D.
The job thing is a little trying. It gets frusterating getting rejected from job after job KNOWING you had an awesome interview. All because I'm going to be gone for the month of July. Its understandable, I don't begrudge any of them for it (well, for the most part.) I even had one potential employer tell me to call them once I get back from Auz and they'll see if they have a position open for me then. So, you know, cross fingers. I may not get work before then, but if I can get in a job in August and for the school year I'll still be happy. As much as money-drain sucks, it is kind of nice having a summer off. And man, I am SO excited for going to Australia! :D I feel like a little kid when I think about it - except better, because I can do so much more now that Im all old and crap. Yay me!
Anyway, thats just my quick life update I guess. It's kind of vague, but a good solid summary of some happenings. I've also been hanging out with friends a lot, my roomate is hosting a bonfire tomorrow night and I am going to a different bon fire the night after that, so that'll be fun. I do need to crack down on this essay however. Next weekend I am going to a wedding (my first wedding EVER) so you'll get to hear all about that once thats all said and done with. So yeah. Such is my life atm.
Have a nice weekend Internets. I shalt seeth thou on el flipith side! :D
Im having an absolutely awesome summer. Like I said, I've been keeping myself busy which is actually kind of surprising to me. I completely thought that when I actually had free time after all that studying I'd just waste it on the internet. Sit inside all day and stare at my computer and be bored. But I dont like being bored, so I havent done that. The last few days have been gorgeous, so I have spent as much time outside as physically possible - whether it be biking or walking or running or sitting on the patio with my roomates and neighbours or sitting on the patio by myself and reading. I actually am at least a shade darker white than normal! Actually, considering that it's been liek 45 degrees with the humidex, I'm surprised I dont have a burn. Being in a Health Science course however has made me super paranoid about skin cancer tho, so I have been lathering up the sunscreen lol.
When Im not outside, I still have stuff to do. I am taking that summer course, so I'll be writing notes or studying for my midterm on monday. Now I have an essay due in a little over a week, so thats a main focus for me. As well I've been getting my creative on - for example that awesome video I've made for ma mother. I've also been doing more on photoshop, playing around with Adobe Premier so that next time I go to edit things I shalt have a stonger grasp on how it works. Its an awesome program, I still have so much to learn on it. I've also been song writing again, specifically a present for a friend of mine. I dont want to say anything about it tho, just in case she (erm, I mean, or he.... yeah...) reads my blog. I've also been working on gifts for a few other people as well.
ON TOP of all that, my delightful bestie has commissioned (erm, for free) me to design a logo for a website she's designing this summer. She's thinking about possibly persueing that as part of her career and is testing out her skill and enjoyment by designing a website for her mothers quilting. (Her mother makes AMAZING quilts, one of which I was lucky enough to get as a grad present coming out of high school.) She also is trying to figure out a good name for the website, but it's hard as most of the good ones are already in use. Right now they've settled on Hearts and Stitches Quilts, but I dunno - I think its kind of lame. I just am having trouble coming up with something better (which is kind of unusual for me).
My sister and I are also going to be doing a fun creative project, although it wont start until I go to Australia. When she saw my rap video she sent me a message on FB just PRAISING my creative abilities (cause I am just so wonderful :P) and decided that when I get to Auz, we have to do something like that together. So my minds being flying around with ideas, probably (hopefully) more than one of them will be getting done. I think a big reason why I am enjoying this summer so much is that I have so much more time than normal to persue some of my creative endevours that I'll often put off for "more important things." Well, with no job and only a little bit of school, my creativness becomes my important things :D.
The job thing is a little trying. It gets frusterating getting rejected from job after job KNOWING you had an awesome interview. All because I'm going to be gone for the month of July. Its understandable, I don't begrudge any of them for it (well, for the most part.) I even had one potential employer tell me to call them once I get back from Auz and they'll see if they have a position open for me then. So, you know, cross fingers. I may not get work before then, but if I can get in a job in August and for the school year I'll still be happy. As much as money-drain sucks, it is kind of nice having a summer off. And man, I am SO excited for going to Australia! :D I feel like a little kid when I think about it - except better, because I can do so much more now that Im all old and crap. Yay me!
Anyway, thats just my quick life update I guess. It's kind of vague, but a good solid summary of some happenings. I've also been hanging out with friends a lot, my roomate is hosting a bonfire tomorrow night and I am going to a different bon fire the night after that, so that'll be fun. I do need to crack down on this essay however. Next weekend I am going to a wedding (my first wedding EVER) so you'll get to hear all about that once thats all said and done with. So yeah. Such is my life atm.
Have a nice weekend Internets. I shalt seeth thou on el flipith side! :D
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