Sunday, 26 June 2011

Bartle the Bead

Want to know something kind of mind blowing? In 3 days, I will be on a plane to Australia! Thats right, mind. has. been. blown.

Ok, maybe not. But it's still fricken exciting!

And techincally I'll be on a plane from London, On to Toronto... I may have even landed at the TO airport by this time on Wednesday. But close enough right?

Its all kinda starting to hit me now. My parents landed in Auz 2 days ago now, and looking at their pictures and reading their facebook posts is making it feel more real for me now. Like it is ACTUALLY happening. They are there and soon, I will be too! Holy crap!

Other blatant reminders of my upcoming adventures is the fact at that all of my projects I wanted done before I left for Auz are slowly coming to a close. I've pretty much rapped up what I have to do on my friends website logo design (for now), my final exam is on tuesday and classes are over, my *can't say online until I get to Auz cause a certain someone supposebly reads these posts* are done and just need to be packed, and my other secret project was revealed this morning! Its all rapping up nicely!

Oh, yeah, other secret project. A grad gift for some dear friends who graduated this past month (that may POSSIBLY have been supposed to be up 2 weeks ago. No one said I was punctual lol). For anyones interetst :

It's pretty silly, but I like it :D.

But yeah, with all of those things comign to an end, really all there is left to do is pack and get on a plane! (you know, after my exam is written). And then sit restlessly for like 20 hours... I REALLY hope I sit by someone interesting, or at least chatty. And you know, I would really not object to eye candy either. Just sayin' :P.

I dont think I really have too much more to say. I just keep getting these waves of holy-crap-excitment! while I've been trying to study, so I needed to outlet it a little. but HOLY CRAP Im going in Australia in 3 friggen days! It may have hit me, but it definitely still hasnt sunken in... I may have to wait until Im on the plane for that.

Anyway, Internets, I think I'm going to go run now and let off a bit of steam. Maybe that will help me concentrate on my studying a bit more and take my head out of the clouds. Aidious Amigos! :D

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for you! Australia is amazing. I would have moved there if I could :)
