Saturday, 14 January 2012


So yesturday, as many of you might be aware, was Friday the 13th! Ooooo, scary. Or maybe... not so much.

I know that Friday the 13th is, realistically, just another day on the calendar. And that realisticly, a lot of bad (or in my case good) luck happenings just get more noticed that day because bad luck is what the day is known for. Be that as it may, I have always had weird good luck in Friday the 13th. For example, being a kid and finding $40 on the sidewalk or finding out I dont have to get teeth pulled that I thought I did or silly things like that. And yesterday was no exception.

So a little back story - Thursday night was kind of a horrible night for me. I hadnt slept well the night before, woke up early and tired and then had a very busy day of volunteering and school and so when I got home I just want to take a nap, finish up some HW and spend the rest of the night on the computer or reading in bed. This was, however, apparently not what was in my cards. Instead I got home to find out that once again my roomate did shit to annoy me. Which sucks on a normal day, but when you are shit-ass tired it just makes you want to punch said person (which I didnt. When he came in and it was mentioned, I walked out of the room before I could say or do anything I regreted). Then my other roomate (Whose actually a really good friend of mine) needed someone there for her because she found out a good friend of hers had been killed in a car accident that day (which, don't get me wrong, I'm happy to do. But my brain was having trouble going from tired to angry to sad and sympathetic) and THEN I found out that my puppy (who is 13 years old btw. So I have had her for 13 years of my life. And although she lives with my parents now, she is forever going to be MY puppy) was very sick and potentially had to be put down - so by that point I was nearly in tears. And THEN I found out that my good friend had gotten dumped by her boyfriend (just to add to the many emotions that was my night more than anything.) So by the time I went to bed I was just emotionally exhausted but slept horribly because I was so worried about my puppy and my friends.

So then yesturday happened. I woke up early for class, kinda grumpy and very tired and figured it was going to be a shit day. Then I looked outside and saw it was snowing - i LOVE snow! And snow has been very scarce this year. And I think that just set my mood for the rest of the day. It led to refreshing walks, laughing at my bundled up friend and jumping into piles of snow :). I was still worried about my puppy and was checking my phone constantly so I could hear from my sister about what was going on however. So when I got a txt from my sister saying "of course the day she goes to the vet, she is absolutely fine!" my just made a complete turn around! My puppy is alive for at least another day - and hopefully many more to come :). And then to top it all off, my proff did an exercise in class about the benifits of putting yourself out there and I ended up winning the course textbook for free! (instead of paying $100-some for it lol).

Ok, so if we want to be technical and break it down - the snow happening on any other day would not be "good luck" so much as just awesome, so yes, maybe I'm reading too much into that. And yes, my puppy not being as sick as we thought is a wonderful thing, but realisitically she probably wasn't going to be put down yesterday anyway, if she was that bad they probably would have made an appointment for a later date. But the textbook thing? That was just plain good luck. I didnt win a contest, it was by my own hard work or savy or charm. My proff decided to pick me out of a class of 3-400 students and hand me an envelope that I could either keep and walk to the front of the class or give away. My only contribution was keeping it. But she cold have given that envelope to ANYONE, and somehow she picked me. That was luck. Maybe not "Friday the 13th" luck, maybe regular luck - but still luck lol.

The rest of my day was awesome, tho not particalularly different than any other day. I did some class readings, re-wrote some class notes, went to the mall with a friend of mine and then to the movies (Actually in a way we had a moment of bad luck there because we thought we had picked a movie about finding a murderer and turned out the be an exhorsism movie, which is a type of movie I can't stand. But meh, I had movie coupons so its not like we paid for it) and then I got home and hung out with my roomate for the rest of the evening (the one who lost her friend on Thursday).

So yes, in a way I suppose I am a slightly supersticious person. Not to any extremes, I do always have that voice in the back of my head telling me I am being silly and there's nothing behind these. Yet I always have that little bit of good luck on Friday the 13th that keeps me believing, if cautiously so. Judge me if you wish, but I'm never going to object to a little bit of extra luck!

Did anyone else  have an eventful Friday the 13th? Or anyone think I'm a bit of a nutcase? Let me know! :P.

So long Internets, hope you have a lucky day!


  1. Sounds like a pretty lucky day to me

  2. i forgot all about the 13th :D

  3. That's fantastic that you won a free textbook!! You did have a lucky day!! :-)
