Wednesday, 25 January 2012


So I have a problem. Like, there should be an AA-type gathering for this type of problem. Ok, maybe not that bad - not so much addiction, more of an obsession. My problem is old TV shows.

I find a great way to take a break from studying, relax, and just do nothing for a while is to watch a TV show. And I love the internet just for that reason, I'll start a show I haven't watched before or possibly have watched numerous times in the past, and I have something to amuse me for months, a semesters worth of study breaks if they show is long enough. Or at least, that is what it should be. Herein lies my problem - watching old TV episodes is like eating chips - you can't just stop with one.

I get obsessed, I really do. I've always had a somewhat obsessive personality. Many of my friends and family can still recall the LOTR phenomenon of 2003-2007...8...9...ish. I wore the Ring around my neck for all 4 years of high school and could quote any part of any movie on comand without hesitation. More recently I have been going through a Doctor Who phase, tho I am trying so hard not to be as bad as LOTR. It takes a lot of will power, let me tell you. But I only have 2 posters up in my room (at the moment...) and no I dont carry my sonic screwdriver with me at all times (besides, the batteries are dead). But I'm sure I would if I didnt keep myself in check.

But so my problem is. I study for a few hours, decide to take a half hour/hour long study break (depending on the length of my current television show) and then I will get back to work. Of course, once that show ends I just HAVE to see how the next episode goes - do they find out something new?! Was that a subtle cliff hanger at the end that I need to solve?! Will so-and-so be revealed?!. But here's the thing- I dont really watch the most suspence-intense shows. I've done this for shows like Scrubs and How I Met Your Mother. Or my recently finished "problem" show - Charmed.

Charmed is not what one would considered a "top-notch show". It's fun, it has its moments dialogue or story-wise. The acting is so-so to good, but not great. But its fun. And I have a weak spot for anything to do with magic or witches or what have you. Yet somehow, it turned into one of my worst must-keep-watching type shows. To the point where Sunday, when I had school work to do (dont worry, I got everything important finished) and a room to clean (... ok, that probably wouldn't have done that anyway), I watched almost the entire last season in one sitting. How bad is that? And I complain I dont have time for blogging... yeah right. I convinced myself that if I got it all done in one fell swoop, it wouldn't distract me for the rest of the semester. Which isn't technically a lie, but it is also not a good excuse for eating up the majority of the house's bandwidth, leaving us to only do the most minimal amount of internet surfing for the next 2 and a half weeks until our new billing period starts again. Ugh.

So yeah, I can be a bit of an idiot some days. But I am going to try not to do it again. I am setting myself parameters. I am not watching any more TV online, past HIMYM and The Big Bang theory which each come out once a week, until my semester is over. I am also going to try avoiding starting seasons of TV shows online and resitrict myself to borrowing DVDs from friends or something. Such as Star Trek: TNG that I will be borrowing from a friend this summer, once my school is done. Because, of course, the other reason for my complete-series ban  is to not distract myself from school, because, lets face it, I dont really need any extra help to accomplish that.

Oh, and for the next couple weeks I have to limit my youtubing as well. How will I live?! (Also I screwed my roomates over... which I do actually feel quite bad for. And I wont do again. Tho it would help is my landlord raised our bandwidth cap. Which he is working on. But yeah. Still not doing that again. Bad Paige.)

And that, my dear internets, is my tale of woe. I know, feel bad for me. I do live through some hard struggles. But I suppose that is what you get when you are cursed such as I am :P. Goodnight Sweet Internets!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with it all! I'm limiting my YouTube watching days too, only it's because I use it as a procrastination tool.
