Some keeping up with my resolution to stay on top of my blog, look, I'm posting again!
Cuurently I am heading back to the lovely city of London, On to head back to El school. My classes don't actually start for another week but I'm heading up a bit early for work and volunteering. Actually I only work one day this week, but I've signed up for at least 3 days of volunteering it they give me the shifts. I hope they give me the shifts, otherwise my coming home early is kinda pointless and slightly disapointing. I love going home but i never have the time to visit enough (or at all) with every one I want to see. It really makes the idea of working in Ottawa for the summer all the more tempting. But then I'd be pining for my London peeps, so I suppose it wouldn't really be all that different in the end.
So did we all have a good New Years? I went to a party at my friends place. Normally I do New Years small, maybe a group of close friends or whomever happens to be in town. This was the biggest New Years party Ive ever been to, with somethingblike 25 people in a tiny loft apartment. It was awesome. I met so many awesome new people, got to watch my best friend get smashed (but in a safe way cause I was sober and was there for watching her) and got to see my friend Pearl (the hostess) whom I really only get to see once a year or so. Unfortunately my friends and I had to leave not too long after midnight (see again my drunk friend) and apparently the party went until about 4am. Oh well, next time I'm around for one of her shindigs, ill be sure to stay longer.
It makes me kinda sad as this train takes me further and further south (currently about an hour or so away from TO) how the snow has dispeared. One of the wonders of being in Ottawa for the holidays was I got to spend an entire 10 days with real snow cover on the ground. Oh sad I'd it that it is Jan 2, living in Canada and there are still so many places without snow. All the poor people who did not get to experience a white Christmas, who won't have the joys if skating, sledding, skiing, snowball fights, snow angels... I think we should start a fund! We'll call it the SFPC. Snow For Poor Canadians! We can raise money to bring down snow from up North, promote massive cooling generators. Yeah, I like this! Let's do it! Woooo! Yeah.
In other news I finally settled in a name for my tablet. Instead of naming her after anything, I'm gonna call her K.A.A.T.O. (pronounce Kaito). It stands for Kool, Awesome Android Tablet, Obviously. I think its fitting, suits her for sure. Also, for those of you out there worrying, my old tablet is going to a good home. I sold her to my best friend, someone who'll treat her right and love her in just the appropriate way, the appropriate amount. See, I wont abandon her.
Anyway, Im starting to feel a little motion sick. So I think I'm gonna try to sleep off the rest of this train ride. Good night my sweet readers :).
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