Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Subclavian Brain Explosion

Today is a wonderful day Internets. Classes have officially ended for the term - yay! I still have exams, but those don't stay for me until the 18ths so I am taking a rest day. I got up early (not by choice. My body has decided that 8am is a good time for me to be getting up, even if I have been continuously been going to bed between 2 and 3 am for the past couple weeks), worked on a couple photoshop projects for some of my friends, watched some TV shows I havent watched in weeks (on my compuator), worked on one of my own crafty projects I havent had a chance to work on in ages, now I am  writing my first blog post in almost a month. Its nice to allow myself to relax for a bit, even tho I have a large part of my brain trying to convince me that I shoudl be doing SOMETHING more important than what I am doing. I think I'm gonna have to reteach my brain how to turn off...

HOWEVER best part about today, and really the last couple weeks, AND the reason I have been staying up so late recently is thta I FINALLY get to spend time with my friend Elyse. Elyse, also known as Padfoot, was previously mentioned in this blog in my Australia series if people remember back. Being in Australia, I discovered i had a personally dopleganger. Well she decided to move to Canada for a couple years. She will officially have been here 2 weeks as of tomorrow. She's crashing with me until she has a place to live and a job, or at least some form of job expectation. And its been AWESOME. Also awful - awful for sleep patterns and concentration on schoolness (the school library is once again becoming my best friend haha), but mostly awesome.

Have you ever had that friend that you can't stop talking to? Your phone conversations seem to go on a good two or three hours past when you first said goodbye? Yeah thats Padfoot and I. Except the difference is we are in person. There is no magical off button or, more likely (as what happens with my BFF), magical batteries which die and force conversations to end. I have seen the otherside of 3am more times in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last year. Which I dont object to, except that I have also been having to get up early to finish essays and study for stupid exams. Yet, as long as I am still producing the quality work I have come to know and expect from myself, I dont really care. Because Padfoot and I are HILARIOUS and AWESOME and WONDERFUL together. Also, she is slowly learnign to ignore me and I am learning to kick her out o f my room when need requires it.

Its gonna make me sad when she moves out in a month or so. She is looking for a place May 1st-ish. In another city. It makes me very sad. No more 2am ukelele/guitar jam sessions, no more staying up and learning about the hilarity that is Glee, and HOW are we supposed to form an awesome comedy duo band when one of us will have to travel minimum 2 hours just to practice? *sigh* life is hard, I tell you.

And on that note Internets, I shall stop bragging about my new partner in crime and let you get back to whatevers you was doing. Have a wonderful weekend! Hey, if I remember, maybe you'll even be lucky enough to get anothe post from me next week about the awesomeness that will be my weekend in Montreal. Until then, Adieu!

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