Study break, studyin' breeaaakkk my brains about to pop so I take a studyin' break! <-- that was all sung btw. At least, in my head it was.
So, I'm a big clutz. No seriously, I am - Im not kidding. Really, GUYS! Why are you laughing? Im telling the truth!!
But seriously, I have done several things throughout my lifetime that allow me to label myself as such. This blog is blossoming out of an incident that happen yesturday, so I'll start with that example
Its the middle of exam season right now, and as such my room probably qualifies as a natural disaster zone (I mean, I'm not exactly a neat person to begin with). So yestuday my backpack was sitting on top of a pile of clothes right beside my dresser. When I grab it to pick it up the strap hooks on the corner of one of the drawers that was slightly sticking out. I dont realise this and I swing the bag towards my bed - as this happens, it completely pulls out the drawer from my dresser and the drawer crashes to the floor (hee, that rhymed). When it did this, a large chunk broke off the dresser and now there's a dent in my floor. Because Paige gots mad skillz yo!
Are you convinced yet? No? Oh, you just want to hear more examples of me doing stupid things. Gotcha.
So its the last day of gr. 11 - most people arent going to class, so my friends and I go (or go to each others classes) because nothing is happening in those classes anyway and we just goof off and talk and such. I can't remember what spurred it, but at one point in time my giant 6'4" friend holds his hand over his head for me to give him a high five. Being only about 5'7" myself, I obviously half to jump up to accomplish this task, and as I come down I manage to land on his foot on the side of my foot and twist it. It hurts for a few seconds, but being the tough *coughstubborncough* person I am, I deal with it and keep walking and goofing around on it. After lunch we decided against going back to classes, walking around town to get pizza and then hung out on a local playstructure. When we finally sit down, I notice my ankle is tingling so I take a look at it - yeah, it was about the size of a catalope. I with a sprain to the point of not being able to walk on it for two weeks. Yay me.
Oh, which reminds me of a time when I was on crutches - watching my friends in my jiu-jitsu class because I couldnt participate. Im bad at sitting for long periods of time tho, and end up pacing the back of teh dojo on my crutches. One of them ends up catching a match that wasnt attached and slides so I fall, yup, right on my strained ankle. Double yay me.
There's always the simple classics of things like when I was running for the bus at my HS one winter, slipped on ice, had my feet swiped out from under me and smacked my head on the ground infront of everyone.
Or when I was on a date with a guy, setting teh mood in my living room and managed to knock a glass of water with my foot and spill water all over his lap.
I spilt an entire bottle of pepsi (personal sized bottle) in my bag which was holding my laptop and camera. Laptop survived with a bit of wear and tear, camera did not.
I've managed to break many a dish, glass, mug, etc. over my lifetime, including some of my moms specail crystal wine glasses (I ended up refusing to wash them when I did the dishes because I was always kinda afraid I would break them).
When I was maybe 10 or 11 I think, I was giving a piggyback ride to a friend of mine who was ... 6? I think, at the time. I was running with her on my back in my basement when I tripped, sent her flying across the room and she bashed her elbow on the corner of the couch and dislocated it. This is why people dont let me around small children - I have a tendancy to break them :P.
Of course, that is the curse of being a clutz (aside from breaking a lot of things). People trust me well enough, just not my clumbsy tendancy. Im not allowed around knives, expensive things, breakable things, babies... Really, I try to be careful! I really really do! ... Im sorry...
So yeah, that is me Internets. I think that made a wonderful description of why some of my friends have recently nicknamed me Paige Epicfail :P.
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