Sunday, 24 April 2011

Jumping Jackalopes Batman!

First- O. M. G. Doctor Who, season 6, started last night! It was CRAZY. So much happened in so little time and I am just ITCHING for next week. But Im not going to say anything more on the matter really and Im not going to review it. There's prolly a thousand million reviews online already so, you know, if you want a review - go run and watch one of them. All the same - OH MY GAWD!

So today is E-aster. The days where the eggs and bunnies come out to play and Zombie Jesus rises from the dead. Haha, you know what would be a little too ironic? If they day the zombie apocolypse started was on Easter? If that happened, I would happily admit that there is without a doubt a God. (Another thing Im not going to talk about, however, is my religious views - too controversial and I've always been of the opinion of believe what you like and I'll be over here in the corner spinning in an office chair)

So normally Easter is a pretty fun weekend. My extended family lives on the other side of the country from my immediate family, so its isnt the HUGE family get-together day that it is for a lot of my friends. However when my parents moved to Ontario from their respected locations they aquired almost an extended family via family friends, so these are the people we NORMALLY get together with. Doesnt always work out, but thats ok.

As kids (and teenagers. I doubt my parents would still do it now... not that I woudl complain if they did :P) my sister and I would always get up relatively early and start the Easter Egg Hunt. We did ours with hard-boiled eggs that my parents secretly dyed (or, as we got older, we dyed for them lol. Making the, uh, Easter Bunnies job easier. Yeah thats it) and I remember being just scandalised when I found out that difference families did it differently, like with chocolate or plastic eggs! Essepcially plastic eggs, I mean really - wheres the fun in that?! :P. My dad was pretty awesome at hiding them too, my sister and I had a jolly good time at some of the places he put them (the classic was on top of a beer bottle in the middle of the table. Subtle lol). I think my sister won the Easter Egg hunt like... every time. Not that it was a compition.

After all the eggs were found we would search for our Easter Baskets. I tell yuo, my parents where masters at getting rid of us on holiday mornings so they could sleep longer (I'll tell you about Christmas mornings another time). When we were really little, they hid them in the house and did a really good job of it. As we got older, they made it trickier. Our house is in the middle of a forest (some may debate this term, its a "bush" or a "woodlot" "its too small to be a forest". We always called it The Forest, so the Forest it is!), so as we got older my parents started hiding the Easter baskets outside. But of course, you dont want the wild animals to find it - so they would hide them in brown paper shopping bags (which are kind of an extinct species now eh? I guess they wouldnt be doing that anymore). There is nothing more difficult that finding a brown paper bag hidden amound the trees when the leaves havent grown back yet. And ALWAYS it would end up that my sister would find my basket and I would find hers. Without fail.

And then Easter dinner - between the families we would always kind of switch up who did what holiday and which house we would go to. Tho I think fairly recently its been at out place, tho I could be wrong about that. There would always been a huge meal made, my family personally would make turkey and potatoes and stuffing and carrots... regular big holiday meal stuff. It was the baking/desert that was always more fun. Mom had her special buns she made which are my favourite buns in the world, and we would make these cookies called "curlers" which are essentially deep fried dough covered in icing sugar. What could be better than that? Our friends would always bring their own deserts or helpings for teh food as well - giant feast. It was wonderful.

Of course, this year I don't get any of that. This year I'm stuck in London studying for my crazy exam schedule I have coming up. Im not depressed or saddened or anything, honestly I keep forgetting that it IS Easter. Not to mention that there is a lot of stuff I am now unable to eat that is tradition at Easter (like, say, uh, chocolate) that its almost less depressing to be here than there :P. Of course I shall call my parents and send out Easter cards and the like. Im thinking I might do something fun for dinner to treat myself - just have to think of something that wont kill my stomach haha.

So Hoppy Bunny, Egg and Zombie Jesus day Internets! Hop you have a good one! (Lame puns make me smile!)

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