Monday, 25 April 2011


Good morrow to you Internets, I hope you have been enjoying your E-aster! or just your weekend if you dont/can't celebreat E-aster.

So yesturday I said I wouldnt talk about the Doctor Who premier - well, I said I wouldnt review it. Im still not going to, but there's been something bothering me about it. Well about the last couple of season of Doctor Who actually.

WARNING: May contain spoilers

Ok - so there's this character River Song (she's not what bugs me. I, unlike a lot of people I see on the internets, quite enjoy her character and Im kinda excited to see where they are going to take her) and for anyone who doesnt know, she first showed up in the Tennant years claiming to know everything about the Doctor. I havent seen that episode in a while, so I cant remember off the top of my head, but she may or may not have said outright that her and the Doctor where married - if she didnt then it was very heavily implied. The thing is, we know nothing about River. Her timeline is completely backwards from the Doctors, so last seaon (first of the Smith years) we saw her a few times and started to get to know her. Looks like this season we will be seeing a hell of a lot of her.

Oh, and in that first episode we saw her in? Yeah, that was the day she died - like I said, backwards timelines. Wibbly Wobbly stuff - confused yet? haha.

So here's my problem - the first time she met the Doctor, he was Tennant. Everytime after that, he's Smith. So how HOW does she know that Tennant is the Doctor? I know she's aware of the regeneration thing, but I dunno, its an unexplained plot hole. If you believe the begining of priemer the other night, the Doctor dies. So River saw once, only once, Doctor in Tennant form. AND she knows that he dies before he can regenerate into a new form, so she has to know thats an older regneration. However she isnt shocked or confused seeing teh Doctor in that form UNTIL she finds out it's their first meeting.

Now I realise at that point in time the writers of the show weren't aware that Tennant was leaving the show, but it really bugs me that this should have been explained somehow. Maybe they'll clear it up later - "Next time you see me, I may be in a different regeneration cycle. Just so you arent shocked. You're going to be meeting me earlier than we ever met." Because unless the Doctor doesnt actually die and they save him somehow (always a possibility) there would be no assumption on Rivers part that they are meeting a future regeneration.

Also, can I say - they are getting kinda whismical with their names. River Song. Amelia Pond. Very pretty lol.

Also, what happened to the Doctors Daughter. I really like Matt Smith, but it bothers me that he looks so young - next time he meets his daughter (and he should meet his daughter again, because there is another Time Lord floating around out there and that whole "Im all alone" thing isnt true anymore and they could probably make a kick-ass team and... yeah) they'll look like they are practically the same age! Maybe they'll do a good job make-uping them so he seems older, but honestly (at least in terms of looks) Matt Smith does NOT look the right age to be a father of a grown up woman. Now I know this is just me picking hairs, I mean he is (depending on the time of the premier) between 900 and 1100, and when he regenerates he can't really pick how old he looks and whatnot. But still... actually, that could be quite funny if they had a dialogue in there of him being like "Actually, she's my daughter!" and then whoever they are telling giving them a look-over and being like "Yeaah... riiigghhtt..." - you know, or something a bit more creative given to you by perffesional script writers. One of the two.

Alright, Im done poking holes in my favourite show. I know there is probably about 6 million other plot holes in a show known more for its campyness than anything else.

So Internets, I will leave you're brains a ticking away with thinking about Doctor Who (or possibly how much of a nerd I am. Im ok with that to!) Have a fantastical day! :D

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