Tuesday, 26 April 2011


I wasnt going to write this post until later tonight. Im sitting at school tonight, supposed to be studying - not supposed to have internet access (I have found the perfect internet spot with a spotty internet connection so it frusterates me to much to ever be a real study destraction). However I'm in a bit of a pissy mood right now and needed a destraction (studying is NEVER a destraction from piss mood-ness lol) so I decided to write a blog instead.

Pissy mood btw is at frusteration of lack of getting a job. I havent heard back from my interview earlier this month I thought went well - and it would start May 2nd, so while I still techincally have time to hear from them, I have a strong supsicion I didnt get it. I have literally NEVER in my life had this much trouble getting a job - but never mind that, not what I want to be talking about right now.

I love studying - ok, no, thats a outright lie. What I mean is that I enjoy studying for certain subjects because I amuse myself greatly whilst doing it. In fact, I kind of act like a stoner when I study. I spent a good five or ten minutes today staring at my hand going "No, really, think about it - think about everything thats going on in there. Like we see the solid skin, but if yuo zoom in you notice its all like porous and stuff. And if you zoom in more? Its made up of layers of cells and if you zoom in more each of those cells are doing so much. And thats just like on the surface man, think about beneath that - yuo've got yuor veins and arterioles and capilliaries carrying nutrients and protiens and oxygen and like, man, without that you wouldnt be able to survive. And your muscle - and like I dont even have to thing about moving my fingers, it just happens. Like BAM and then move. Its just deep man" I wish I could say I was exagerating that (well, possibly the "its just deep man" part lol)

On top of that is my tendancy to remember things via complex pictures. After I wrote that blog on how the phrasing of physiology texts make me thing of engineers and other personifications, I started to notice more and more how I create this vast senarios in my head when Im learning or reviewing concepts. To remember the pathway of how blood flows, where it gets thinner and thicker, where it slows and speeds up, I think of a log-fume ride. You know, slowly it moves up and up would be like the left ventricle filling up, and then as the heart muscles squeezed would be when the log fume got to the cruxt of the hill/coster/ride thing and then rushed down into the arteries. Arterioles are much more narrow, but flexible so they are like where the splash of water is kept in as the ride slows down in a hurry and the capillaries are much more narrow so it slows even more, like the ride coming into station (I actually think there is more to this senario, but I havent reviewed the heart stuff in a while, so the memory is a little spotty. I will have to reread this later with my notes and see how accurate I was)

Another example of this would be cellular respiration. It actually makes you feel bad for poor Glucose, because he goes through so much crap. Accidently he steals some phosphorus from a couple ATPS and the guilt of it just tears him in two (2 G3P), he feels so bad in fact that when he meets a few ADPs he gives them all phosophrus as well as H+ to some NAD's.  Thats just for the glycolisis stage, the whole senario ends up getting way out of hand as he is repeatedly tricket, robbed and mugged for his phosphoruses and hydrogen molecules. He ends up living on the street, waiting for the next poor soul to come along so he can try to teach him from his mistakes (it never works).

I think I've been using these kind of memory tricks for years, without realising it. I used to help coach a friend of mine in math, and would often use visual or relatable pictures like this to help her learn. Oddly enough tho, in math I was always horrible at the word problems. Using other peoples pictures does not work as well as learning my own. Still, I wonder in subject I struggle with like calculus and *shudders* chemisty, if I conscioulsy put an effort into these senarios - would  I get better marks? Well, with any luck, I wont ever have to find out anyway (unlikely, but I can dream)

Alright Internets, I should peace out now and pretend to study for a bit again. My hell exam week starts tomorrow afterall!

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