Thursday, 28 April 2011

Feminine Whiles

Today has been a fun filled day. Wrote the 2nd of my crazy-exam-week exams (the first being last night) first this this morning and then spent 5 hours studying for Physiology. I was hoping to spend 2 hours studying for physiology, go to the gym and then spend the rest of the day doing psych (and maybe a bit more phys at the end of it all) but apparently that was not to be. So I spent 5 hours doing phys, came home - taking a bit of a break right now (prolly going to eat at some point) and then going to do psych. Psych is first, but phys is scarier - so its hard to figure out which to concentrate on.

My body likes to do random things to me. That sounds a lot dirtier than it is. What I mean is, my body likes to fuck with me-ok thats not helping. My upper back muscles (At least, I think its my back muscles) on my left side have decided to go really tense today, do that my entire arm and a bit of my neck hurt. And my arm keeps going randomly numb. Its really starting to piss me off and really distracting study-wise. But Im not worried, cause my body likes to do shit like this all the time. Its pretty normal for me really - like I've had my feet decide to swell for no reason before or random red spots (that weren't rashes and weren't itchy, just on big, bright, circular dot on the palm of each hand) appear on my hands or stupid things like that. And of course the big things, like a stomach that doesnt like digesting and a head that was continuously sore for my entire gr. 10 year of school. (I still get chronic migraines, but no where near as bad or often. More of a once a month thing now). So yuo know, it'll go away eventually.

What I was orginally planning on talking about in this blog is my study notes. Sounds exciting doesnt it? No, no - bear with me. It gets better - I want to talk about spelling mistakes in my study notes! Wooo!... wait! No! Come back!

I always findi t amusing reading over my study notes, because Im writing so fast that not only is there an abundance of spelling mistakes (I apparently can't figure out if its cappiliary, capilliary, cappilliary or capilary) and grammar faux pas (ok, its study notes - grammar isnt exactly a focus here!) but there are also a lot of incorrect word insertions. My favourites are ones like "Into the filtrate, therefor filtrating the blood" or, yuo know, filtering the blood. Also one of my definitions was "Vena Cava: Where the blood comes from the Vena Cava" because I do love redundancy.

My other constantly amusing although also quite helpful mistake is my editing mistakes. When I made some sort of mistake (wrong word, REALLY badly misspelt word) I would white them out (I write my notes in pen). White takes a while to dry and it a) wastes time and b) I dont have that kind of patience. So I'll leave a large enough black spot for teh rest of the word or phrase I need to write, and continue on with the paragraph. Its amazing how many times I forgot to go back and fill in the correction. Probably half a dozen times per unit - more often than I remembered thats for sure. But it ends up working out because then I get to play fill-in-the-blanks, forcing me to actually focus on what Im studying.

I do apologise that my BEDA days are probably going to end with more of a wimper than a bang (aka, me bitching about studying) but unfortuantely my last 4 days of April end up being my last 4 days of studying, so I doubt I'll have all that much exciting to talk about.

So have a good evening Internets! I'll catch you on the flip side! (cause I am that cool :D)

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