Im trying to think what I can update you about thats not school related, because honestly there is only so many times I can complain about school in a blog in a week.
Im a little disapointed (ok a lot disapointed) because the Montreal Canadiens are out of the playoffs. They're my team and they played well and fought hard and damn overtime killed them! Out in the first round to - well, at least they were able to make it all the way to game 7 and werent out in four or anything wimpy like that. Its been different watchign the playoffs this time around because normally hockey is my dad and I (and possibly mom and sister) sitting in the basement at my parentals house, often times eating nachos. Most of the games I watched on my own this time but one I watched with my roomate (who is a big hockey fan, but not of the Canadiens so rivalries are always fun) and then one with my friend Van, which was hilarious because I think she thinks Im a violent mofo now "Get up! GET UP! Ohhhh, did his little sholder hit you in the face?! Does hitting your face make yuor legs stop working? No? Then GET UP! Skate over to that damned bench - you're not even bleeding!" Yeah.... I get a little into hockey games. For game 7 my roomate walked into my room and just started laughing at me because I kept screaming at my computer screen. Man, I need to watch hockey more often.
For the last couple years I havent really been paying as much attention to hockey. Not because I lost interest, but because I didnt have cable/TV-with-channels-that-worked-properly and now that I do Im often to busy with school work or other life-type-activities to watch. And now that its coming to summer, hockey will soon be over so now that I actually may have time to watch it, I wont. I'd watch it while studying or doing homework or something, but lets be honest - like I'd actually be paying attentiont to my school work.
It kills me a little that I havent been paying attention to it. I was never the super hardcore fan that could quote stats at you and can tell you the backstory of every major player on every team. But I was into it enough to know what was going on, carry along a proper hockey conversation with someone, have my own opinions and be able to argue to defend my teams honour. This year I barely knew who was in the playoffs - how far I have fallen. I dont really know the players on my own team any more or the other major players on the major teams floating around. A lot changes in... 3? 4? years of not playing attention. Maybe I should try to get back into it come the Fall.
As mentioned above, my team is Montreal Canadiens. My second team is the Ottawa Senators. My opinion is that as long as you are not a Maple Leafs fan, we can be friends. I'm a Habs fav first because I was raised to be one. My dad was a huge, hard-core Habs fan and that got passed along to me. It makes me a little sad that they were one of the top teams in the NHL, having won a Stanley Cup every decade until I came along - I was too young to know what was going on the last tiem they won one and this past decade they won nothing. I still have faith in them though!
My second team is the Ottawa Senators. To be honest I knew more about them growing up than the Habs, just because I grew up in Ottawa. We used to go to games every year and caught their games on TV more often than the Habs. My sister turned Sens fan first because of this (betraying the Canadiens legacy. But its cool, not like it bothers me or nothin' :P). The friends of mine who were hockey fans (for living in Canada I always seem to manage to befriend people who could care less about hockey) were all either Sens fans or *shudders* Leafs fans (this is where I use the term "friend" lightly :P) so i had to spend more time defending the Sens position than the Habs. Luckily this was in their high time, rather than the last few years when they've apparently been crashing and burning. *lesigh*.
Also, if you are a beginners hockey fan and want some help understanding the rules yuo should follow the blog of my friend Colleen. Essentially its a documentation of herself as a beginners hockey fan while she starts to learn about our Nations glorious game! :D
Anyway that's all for me today Internets. Tomorrow's my last BEDA day - any bets on if I manage to continue with my blog after that? Chow Bella!
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