Sunday, 22 May 2011

Billy Goats

Well, its official, I have no been raptured - still sitting here in the same bed I'm always sitting in when I write these things. Any of my beloved Internets get assended into the clouds? Leave a comment if you did! To everyone ele, I think we should get together and do some looting later :P

Well since I didn't assend, that kind of puts a damped on my weekend plans. I mean, I was hoping for a nice long weekend lazing around on the clouds, maybe chilling by Heavens milkshake pools, playing some street hockey with Jesus and just some general merry-making with the rest of Heavens harp players (tho if they let me break out my guitar, I wouldnt say no to that either). I supposed I should bring myself back down to Earth now. Deal with the hell-on-Earth that is my life from now on. I mean, today I was SUPPOSED to have an ultimate frisbee game with my friends, but instead it looks like it's going to rain all day. The suffering have never suffered like I have.

In fact, this whole weekend has been just AWFUL. First I had this bbq a friend of mine threw where I met a bunch of awesome people and made some new friends. We even invented our own game that we called Jedi in the Middle which involves a cirlce of people throwing a frisbee around and one person in the middle trying to knock it down with a light saber. Just an horrible game really, I dont recommend it. *sigh* I just, I guess this is what happens when nerds whole like sports get together. Some things just dont combine well :-/

And THEN we stayed up until 3-4 in the morning talking, playing Halo and watching red vs. blue. I mean, really, what kind of a horrible exisistence is that anyway? Definitely not something I'd want to do ever again. Especially followed by the day after (yesturday, rapture day) when we sat and played portal for hours (well, I played Portal 1 while everyone watched), went and got lunch and sat on the patio in the gorgeous, cloudless whether for a few hour and then went back and played portal 2 in teams. I mean, really who lives like that? Its discusting and I am kind of ashamed of myslef for it all. Never. Again. And to top it all off I got home just in time to watch Doctor Who, which is my a-forementioned favourite show. Gawd what an disgrace of a day I had yesturday.

Now today with the rain. I'll probably stay inside and study today (which I think is a suitable punishment for the way I have lived my weekend so far) and possibly finish filming a secret project. Just use my free time any way I want. Truely hell has come to Earth and it is my life. I should just off myself now before it is too late. I can't even BEGIN to think what I may do with my tomorrow, a Monday off for the long weekend where I don't have to go to school. This is too much torture for one person to endure on their own I tell you.

I guess I'll just buck up for now, carry on as if I am not carrying the burrden that is my life on my sholders. I hope you all have figured our your own way to get through this rapture, and I wish you luck with it Internets. Good (as it can be) Day to you all.

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