Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Bloggers and Bloggets

Why hello my loverly Internets. I've decided it is once again time for me to be in you - writing in you that is. Of course once again I dont have a set topic (it's like being back in BEDA) but somehow I think if I keep writing, one will come to me.

Oh look at that! It did :).

So my dear father is something like 51 years old. As a young lad he was apparently quite the runner. In fact, as a child I remember him going out and running almost everyday, normally somewhere between 8-12 km. (I also remember being fasinated by the blisters on his feet from his shoes, but thats another story altogether.) Anyway, when he was 49 or 50, he decided he was going to start running again - but much longer and further than before. In his 50th year, he aimed to run Half-Marathons (about 21km) and this year his aim is to run full marathons (about 42 km - my parents like to confuse me by switching between miles and kilometers. I dont understand miles as I speak Canadian :P.) His first full-on marathon I believe is the Ottawa marathon which takes place near the end of may. So, yuo know, soon.

Personally all year I have been looking to find a way to get and stay in shape that I enjoy doing. This has been proving harder than expected for several reasons, which I am not going to go into. However, as a result of this search I entered into a challenge with my dad. My challenge is this - by the end of summer 2012, I will run in a half marathon with him (provided training for it doesnt get in the way of work or, most importantly, school.) And as an incentive to start training, when we go down to Australia I am going to join him in running one of the two races he is running down there. Well, sort of. He's going to run a marathon, I'm going to be running a 7.25km walk-run. So essentially by July 17th, I need to be able to run about 7km.

Now here's the kicker - it turns out (not to anyones surprise whose ever seen me run) I am really bad at running. I mean, seriously bad. After months of doing a cardio kickboxing class and going to the gym at school, you'd think I would be a bit better at it. But realisticly - I can run about 2km. A little over that on a good day. But thats the point right? To push yourself to improve, not get down on yourself because you start off sucky. So I have about 2 months to push myself from running 2km to running 7km.

In order to accomplish this feat, I don't think anyone would argue that I should be running just about everyday. Of course, nothing is ever that straight forward now is it? I mean, aside from the obvious fighting against my own lazieness, life just wants to get in the way. For example, this week it seems to want to rain everyday. And be cold, which is a bitch on my asthma and likes to close up my lungs which makes it harder to run (really? noooo). Or my day just ends up getting taken up by errands and whatnot. Groceries, school, resume handing-out, interviews, etc. etc. By the time I get home it's either late or I'm too tired. So I try running in the morning - which eats up my morning. Esspecially if I get up too late in the day. I think I am going to find a solution to that however. I am now going to resolve that I will set my alarm clock every morning from now on to make SURE I  have enough time in the morning to run. I mean, since it's summer and I dont have a job, its not like I have to get up at 6am or anything silly like that. 8 or 9 is plenty early.

Because in the end, all of that last paragraph? It's just excuses. Yesterday I came home from an errand and school day and what did I do? I kicked my ass and made myself go out for a run. And even tho it has been raining all day and I just decided to write a blog about running instaed of heading out in the cold, what am I going to do tonight? I am going to kick my ass and go for a run. Honestly, it's not even about the length or speed of the run some days. Its about getting in the habbit and pushing myself - if I can't do that, I sure as hell can't improve anything else. Besides, I know I will feel good once I get out there (and then feel exhausted and like I am about to die, but then eventually I will feel better again... and then I'll stop walking and run a bit further and feel like I am going to die again... it's a vicious cycle for a 15 minute run :P).

Alrighty Internets, I think I have procrastinated enough. Time for me to go for a run! See ya!

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