Monday, 9 May 2011

Oooo Scary

So yesterday, as most of you should know, was Mother's Day. I live about 6-8 hours (depending on mode of transportation and, yuo know, how fast you drive) away from my mom so it makes it slightly harder to celebrate. Not impossible however and between myself and my sister (who lives in Australia, so it's even harder for her to celebrate) I think we managed to pull of a mighty decent day for my mom.

To start with my sister and I agreed that we would split the cost of Mother's Day, so we told my dad to do something special for my mom and we would cover the cost. He opted to take her out for a nice dinner at some italian restaurant in Manotic. Aparently they had a lovely time, very relaxed and chill and whatnot. So Im happy that worked out and she wasnt just doing the same thing she does every day.

In the morning (possibly early afternoon?) I gave her a call like the good daughter I am. Which was nice - made sure it was all about her, didnt even ask to speak with dad. It was a pretty long chat as well, just catching up on each others lives. I guess I've had a lot going on to tell her about and who doesn't love to listen to me babble? Its actually nice being out of the house for that reason, although my mom and I have our differences we just get along so much better now. It may also helped that Im all growed up and maturated, at least in comparison to my high school days.

And of course as the internet junkies I am, I did the obligatory postage on her facebook wall and Mother's Day mention in my facebook status. Would have done the same with my twitter, but she doesnt have twitter and I dont have anyone else who is a mother on twitter so it seemed kind of pointless.

That was all the little stuff. My major gift on Mother's Day won me possibly an unlimited supply of brownie points - or at very least, a very long last supply.

Several months ago my mother got a book self-published that she had written a few years back. Its a childrens chapter book, aimed at ages 8-12ish. Its a very cute story about a ghost named Anthony and a young girl named Christa McConnell. She's been working to promote it since she published it, but it's a very competative market and a hard one to get into without the proper connections. Now I can't make connections for her, but what I can do is use my computer editing skills to help create a promotional tool which she can use to her advantage is she so chooses. And that is exactly what I did! I created for her a No Business Like Ghost Business trailer and put it on youtube. So for any interested in viewing this trailer, here it is:

Also if yuo are interested in purchasing this book, it is on You can find it at this link :

Anyway, apparently that gift went over quite well. My dad texted me saying I made my mother cry, so I count that as a success. Plus I've gotten two emails from her and a phone call since then. Plus, of course, she put it up on her facebook like the proud author and mother that she is. What can I say, I am just that good ;).

I'm happy that she liked it, I mean, for the obvious reasons. I made it for her, of course I want her to enjoy it. But I also put a lot of effort into that and Im proud of it as a product, as well as a gift. There was a lot of effort put into that video, and I would be lieing if I didnt say that it makes it even more worth it to see it being appreciated.

So Internets, I hope you treated your mothers well yesturday. As my facebook status said - even if they are far away, telepathically give them a hug. They're your mother - they'll know. They always know. :D

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