Sunday, 8 May 2011


So I feel its time that I update yuo about my weekend. Its interesting Im doing more "updatey" type blogs right now. I dont often have exciting things to talk about, but then again the school year is over - so maybe there will be less "Yeah, well, I sat at my desk... and did laundry... finally managed to catch that ellusive booger that's been driving me nuts" and more "Ok, I dont want to brag or anything, but my life is so much more awesomer than yours!" (That last one will definitely happen once I get to Australia! :D)

So as we all know, Kat came down to visit me this weekend. It was awesome because we havent seen each other in way too long but it was sucky cause we really only got two days together. Well, two days and an evening. I can't un-count the evening because we still had a great time even though Kat had had barely any sleep the night before and probably was so tired she barely remembers the evening. We had a bbq with one of my roomates, our neighbours and my roomates friend Liz. It was weird and made me feel odd and grown up because Liz's kid and the neighbours kid was running around the whole time and I was like "Shit man, I remember when I was the kid at the grown-ups party. What happened?" I was just waiting for them to start playing 'sneak-around' (game some of my friends and I played as kids where we would spy on the parents and try not to get caught. We werent very good at it)

Then we stayed up until like 1:30 talking, watching TV on my computer and just... catching up. It was quite good times.

Then, as previously mentioned, I let Kat sleep until almost 1 because she was so tired and had just had a relatively super crazy insane and stressful past month and I figured she deserved it. It also ended up being a slow start to the day after she got up, but really there wasnt any beef with that. It was like we had a crazy tight schedule to stick to or anything.

Once we did get out of the house, we head to the nice mall on the other side of town (Whiteoaks) to do some shopping. Neither of us really like shopping for clothes all that much, but she starts a new job on Monday and needed some work clothes. She waited for me partly because she hasnt had time and partly because even tho I dislike clothes shopping, Im actually pretty good at it. I have an eye for what looks nice. At least on other people - I have more trouble when shopping for myself. So the day ended successfully with a few new outfits and probably one to many lecture from me about "You dont have to get clothes that match. You can mix and match - these are nice clothes and if you have confidence in what you wear, it will look good!" Im definitely impressed at her patience with me.

Then we decided to see a movie - both because we wanted to and because we needed to make our poor brains feel better. We were hoping to see Rio, but we were too late for the last showing so we saw Fast Five instead. Which is hilariously horrible. It just such an action movie, a "boys" movies. Hot girls, fast cars, pretty gadgets and lots of money all tied together with an attempt at a plot and some REALLY bad acting. Good times all around. I think we were expecting a different plot, but the rest of it we knew we were getting into. This is something Kat and I do, watch movies and tear them apart. Makes it so much more enjoyable! I'll be honest however, if I could drink that would have been much improved with the addition of alcohol.

Yesturday we got up at a reasonable time, took our time getting ready cause again - whats the rush? Then I took her on a tour of my University. We decided to walk there instaed of taking the bus (it was a gorgeous day yesturday) because the inner suburbs of London are just stunning. The houses are old and unique and well crafted and probably crazy expensive. So we walked and talked and citiqued and fantasied on our way to UWO. I found my dream house - I've never had a dream house before, never really thought about what I'd like in a house other than I wouldn't want it to be in the inner (or outer) suburbs of any city, so you knwo, I'd have to get this house moved to a different location. But if I have the money to be able to afford this house, I could probably afford to have it moved where ever the heck I wanted. Kat took a picture of it, so hopefully she will send it to me and I'll add it to this post later.

Then we toured UWO. My university has a gorgeous campus and has so much to offer. I have yet to show it to someone who ISNT jealous of it or hasnt been convinced that this is where they should have gone. The campus is just this gorgeous mix of 100-and-some year old buildings and newer more modern buildings. I've always had a thing for mixing of architecture and UWO does it very well (for the most part. There are a couple building it could do better). It's also isolated from the rest of the city, so it gives it that university feel yuo often find in movies and on TV. Something Kat didnt get to experience because classes are done for the summer was the crazy school spirit at Western. Our school is super awesome and we are NOT afraid to show it.

After that we had to rush home and get ready for our night out. We had gotten invited last minute to a Murder Mystery party by the same people I met at the Vote Mob last week. It was Las Vegas/Hollywood themed and we got assigned characters, so we had to figure out how to dress for them. It was harder to dress Kat because her and I are completely different sizes and when she packed she was really expecting a situation where she may need a full-out ball gown. Luckily one of the girls living at the place hosting the party was her size and was able to lend her a dress and some shoes.

The party was soooooo much fun! I've never done a murder mystery, although I've always wanted to. Dressing up and acting as a random character is completely my thing. I was always disapointed in high school because none of my friends ever got into that sort of thing. The best part about my character was that I had to speak in an accent. I have a really bad british accent that I am constantly trying to improve and love putting on to annoy people, and I actually had an excuse to use it!

The best part about the night however was the people. Everyone got really into their characters which made the game fun and they were all SUPER nice. I think both Kat and I were worried that we would be the outsiders, but everyone made us feel included. So often with a group of new people they will cling to who they know and exclude people they dont even if they arent trying to be rude (and then again, so people are tryign to be rude) and I dont think that occured to any of these people. I really hope I get the chance to hang out with them all more often.

Chris (as mentioned in Vote Mob vlog) was nice enough again to give Kat and I a ride home, so yay not having to brave the buses that we kept having problems with this weekend. The evening before we had gotten out of the movie JUST after the buses had stopped running (because London is stupid and stops their buses at midnight) and then this morning after getting up super early to catch the bus to the Greyhound station we ended up spending more money on a cab because even tho the Transit site SAYS the buses start at 6 on Sunday just like every other day, apparently they dont start until 9. And my cabby home decided to take the most round-about route he could, which means I paid about $4 more to get home then I did getting to the bus station. Not thrilled at that. So yay for chaufeur Chris on Saturday night!

So yes, that was my weekend. Followed by getting up at 6:15 this morning to catch a non-exsistant bus so that Kat could catch a definitely exsistent bus at the Greyhound station. Sad to see her go, esspecially after such a short (but packed) weekend. We both had an awesome weekend, but I think we also agree that next time it would be nice to just sit and watch movies on my laptop for a weekend instead of running around from place-to-place and cursing horrible bus systems.

Anyway, once again I have filled you up on random babble Internets. I hope you enjoyed it and also had an awesome weekend. Also, Happy Mothers Day to all out there. I had a lovely conversation with my mom on the phone today and am paying for dad to take her out ot dinner tonight (she lives in a different city than me). I hope yuo all treat your mothers to something special as well! :D

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