Friday, 6 May 2011

Smell of Elderberries

Whats the longest you've ever slept? I used to sleep a lot when I was a kid, or at least I would sleep in a lot. I used to sleep until like 11 and then groggily get up and probably sit in bed and ready or something for a while. That doesnt happen to me anymore - unless I am up super late, the longest I seem to be able to sleep in is until about 10. My norm is waking up aruond 9 although my body sometimes wakes me up earlier.

You may wonder why I am posting about this - mostly because I spend a lot of the morning treading really quietly around my room while my roomate slept until noon-thirty today. I could have woken her up, but she had only gotten two hours of sleep the night before after struggling through writing 20 pages essay so that she could come down from Ottawa to visit me. So I figured I could let her have 12 hours of sleep, she'd definitely earned it at this point. Unforunately she wanted to finish it like a day or two before so we could have more time hanging out together but sometimes these things are out of our control. *sigh* Unforunately.

It super awesome that she is down visiting me right now. I havent seen her since Christmas, which is probably the longest we've ever gone without seeing each other. She had been in Peru for a internship-exchange for three months and then spent all of April working her ass off to finish up some final projects so she could graduate her undergrad. So it's super exciting that she's here now.

I love when she's down/ when we hang out - because we dont really need "plans". I didnt have to spend the last week being "Ok, so thursday night we'll see a movie. Then friday we'll head over to the school for a tour of the uni and...". The plans was that she'll get here, and we'd go on from there. Also if we did have plans, and they change -no one is going to freak out. Life goes on, we get over it. Most of my friends are like that actually, but I think it's more of a refreshing change for because her family is less like that.

Anyway, I dont have anything too deep to talk about. I just figured I should write another blog post and be celebrate the fact that I FINALLY get to see Kat again. Hopefully this wont be the only time we can visit each other this summer.

Okie dokie Internets, as always I shall chat at you laters! Goodbye! :D

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