Hello again Internets. Have I lost all my, um, 4 followers yet? :P
So I'm sitting here having a conversation with my sister telling her that she should start a blog. She is a very passoinate, opinionate person who has a lot to say about multiple topics. Currently she volunteers for a dog rescue and has been posting on fb frequently regarding many differnt aspects of said volunteering and just the general topic. And thats just one of the many subjects she feels strongly enough about to voice her opinion on facebook.
But she isnt interested in blogging.
Which is valid. Not everyone likes to write. Not everyone has time to write. She also feels that blogging wouldnt reach the right audience, which may or may not be true. She also has points about how she doesnt nessissarily have the resources to go out and get as in-depth as she would like if she did start herself a blog. She can't fosters, she doesnt have the money to drive all over the country to rescue dogs on her own, etc. etc. (tho seriously, of all you... ppl?... still with me, if she wrote that blog, who'd read it? I know I would)
And it just got me thinking, her and I have somewhat opposite problems. She has a lot to write about but isnt a writer/isnt able to. I love writing and constantly think about how this blog is left, sad and alone, but I have nothing to write about. Seriously - I've talked in the past about how blogs of a person's everyday life aren't that exciting but if I updated as often as I keep stupidly promising (and totally not following through on), that is what my blog would become. I have some issues I am interested in, but nothing I am passionate about enough to start blogging regularly on. And even non-issue stuff, just interests in general. I've got nothing like that. I mean, my sister is a pretty kick-ass pole dancer. If she really wanted, she could totally write about that and probably never run out of topics. I got nothing like that. Unless you want to hear me regularly update you on my studies "Hey Internets, found a new study technique today! It's called "cue cards" - it's pretty rad. Did you know that Cue Cards can actually help you with MEMORIZATION?! I KNOW RIGHT!"... yeah, that sounds thrilling.
So I suppose this is just a blog complaining about how I have nothing to write about again, sorry. But seriously, if any of you... 1 ppl (I assume my mom will stumble upon this eventually right?) have suggestions of how to keep this interesting, please, share with the class. Otherwise I suppose it will be something that gets updated every time I have a thought I'd like to expand on. I PROMISE at LEAST once every 6 months - hmmm, actually, I dunno. That sounds pretty ambicious... one a year? Man, with promises like this, I could become a politician (ba-dum-cchhh).
And with that mon petit Internets, I shalt see you in the future. Maybe by the next time I post, they'll have invented a machine that can just turn stream of thought into a decent blog post without all this tenuous typing I'm doing now. We can only dream right?
Search for things like the 30 day challenges or I think I did a 10 day challenge on my blog once. They give you specific things to talk about each day, that really helps me when I get stuck. Or read other blogs, there are good link-ups you can do pretty much every day of the week.