I love oyxgen, in fact, you could almost say I live off oxygen. I love the feeling you get when your muscle contract, your chest starts to rise and you that slight breezy sensation in your mouth as you suck in that air from the world around you (and yes, there is a good chance I stop and concentrated hard on how my body feels when I breath *just* so I could make that description).
However, apparently my seems to feel a current need to deprive my body of oxygen. And this makes me sad.
I have a cold right now. And all you out there are thinking to yourself "Oh boo-hoo. A Cold. Your life is rough. I do hope you survive all these trials and tribulations life constantly seem to throw at you." And this is all true. Colds suck. You feel gross, you are dribbly and sneezy and just look and sound way to gross to be around the rest of the world. You feel dizzy and sore and you just dont want to do anything (gives a fabulous excuse for procrastination however). But you get over it. Both in the literal and figurative sense, You. Get. Over. It.
But I feel like being whiney. Sorry guys, its one of those posts.
Ever since I was a kid (*flashback to thrilling story about idiotic doctor which I wont actually be telling at the present time*), if my cold gets anywhere NEAR my chest, my asthma kicks in. And then, the cold will go away and, for most people, that is the time of joyusness and wonderment where you can take the time to brag to all your friends about the monsterous beast of sickness you managed to fight off after seemingly endless days and nights of toture.
Unless you have a crappy asthma chest.
In which you get to sit there, coughing like you've spent the last 40 years of your life smoking several packs of straight tar , making everyone around you back away slowly even though you have nothing contagious left within your person (other than your charming personality, great smile and wonderous laugh of course).
I suppose its not ALL bad. I mean, it does get you out of numerous chores, works your oblique muscles like nobodies business and is a great way to avoid any and all sorts of unpleasant conversation.
But it also restricts the amount of activity you can do, makes everything take twice as all (based purely on the amount of time its takes to complete that string of hacking coughs), keeps you up at night and leaves you constantly wondering if you remembered to grab your inhaler before you walked out the door that morning.
Anyway, I really shouldn't be complaining. I have had *WAY* worse colds and way worse coughs before. But my best friends is sicker than I am, and all my other complaint outlets have had much worse versions of this cold than I seem to have gotten, leaving me feeling pansy-ish and guilty to complaining to feircly at them. So I suppose what I am trying to say in as many words as possible is, WAH! Im sick! Feel sorry for me in all my pussy-esk glory! I dont deserve your pity, but I currently desire it anyway. *pathetic face*
And now, with that out of my system - but alas, the cough still reigns, I bid you adieu Internets. Breath deep, and breath well.
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