Saturday, 30 April 2011


So to take us out of BEDA with a bang, I am going to do something I have never really done before. I am going to tell you all about my amazingly awesome day!

I woke up today feeling awesome - last day of exams, by noon it would be over and I would be free. It was a wonderful thought and feeling and I was so energetic going into my exam. Exam happened, it was my hardest and longest (time-wise) exam. Now its done, and that is wonderful. But only the begining of the awesomeness that is today!

Last night I got this email to my university account advertising a "Vote Mob" which is essentially a rally getting people, specifically the "youth vote" to encourage "youth" to vote and even more so to give a big F-you to the politicians who seem to think that the youth dont count and the youth don't vote. This peeked my interest a little, but not normally the kind of thing I go to. I dont know why, I've just never gotten involved in rallys or protests or anything. There was more however, because Rick Mercer, who has been one of my idols growing up (I've been watching him since I was too young to understand his jokes. I remember watching his rants back in the 22 Minutes days), was going to be leading this Vote Mob. There was no chance I wasn't going!

So the first thing I did was talk to/text a bunch of my friends. "Are you busy tomorrow" "Do you like Rick Mercer?!" And of course, every one was busy. Or not a Rick Mercer fan - which kills me. How could yuo NOT be a Rick Mercer fan?!! You know something, a couple years ago this would have thrown me off. I'd have shyed out and not gone and that would have been the end of it. If there is something I have learned its this - screw other people. If there is something you want to do, even if its by yuorself - do it! Trust me, you can have just as much fun :D.

So I did. After my exam I came home, tided myself a bit, ate some lunch and went. And I am SOOOO glad I did. I had an absolutely BLAST! From the moment I got on the bus there was a story. There was a group of other people all "Canada-ed" up with the words "VOTE" written all over themselves, so I had a good idea what they were doing. At the same guy there was a... bus crazy? I dont know if thats the most suitable phrase for him. He wasnt "crazy" but he was.... slow? And he wanted to talk. So he decided to talk to me. He was nice and I didnt want to be mean and not talk to him. At the same time - ackward! And the "Vote" people kept looking at me with facial expressions saything "I am SO sorry." Which was funny.

Anyway, I made it do the Mob without being stabbed, so no worries. Waundered around awkwardly by myself for a bit when a guy came up to me (because I am so hot :P) and we started talking. He had planned to come with friends as well, but they all bailed on him. So we ended up spending the rest of the mob together, which was super awesome. At one point before the rally started, they put on loud music and a bunch of people urged us to dance - so we did! But not normal, clubbing dancing. More... swing dancing? It was awesome, he kept swirling me aruond and stuff. I didnt know what I was doing, but we had fun doing it! Oh, and we might have out picture in the paper. A photographer apparently got a pciture of us dancing and then came up to us and asked for our names and stuff like that. So THATS kind of a cool.

Then the rally started. Chris (the guy) and I were right up front, super close to the stage. There were representatives from both Fanshawe and Westerns student counsell giving speechs (one guy was really funny and was kinda like Rick Mercers opening act) and sang Oh Canada (both in english and french, tho the french confused me cause the rest of the rally was in english :P). Everyone got really pumped up (my voice is LITERALLY still cracking from all the screaming). The local mayor gave a speech (it went something like "VOTE! MAY 2ND! VOTE! MAY 2ND! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?! VOTE! MAY 2ND!" ) and then the man of the hour - Rick FRICKEN Mercer came on stage!

He was really funny. Of course he was, he is Rick FRICKEN Mercer afterall :P. His speech was brilliant, saying all the right stuff. Ancedotes of politicians who are afraid of the youth vote, who put no effort into trying to obtain the youth vote, who dont know how to connect with the youth vote. Talking about how youth DO vote, they just dont get polled (I mean, think about it, polling is done through landlines and telephone books. If you live off yuor cellphone, not exactly going to reach you!). Politicians dont like that - can't predict what they are going to do. Then at the end of it all He got us doing silly dances and whatnot because some of the many film people where doing youtube videos.

Oh yeah, did I mention the new crews? It may be to late now, but if yuo watch the news tonight yuo may catch glimpses of me. They kept filming the crowd and I was definitely in many of teh shots :D.

Then it was all over. But not for me, I wanted to get a picture. So I hoped up on stage hoping to get a quick on and avoid the mob. But Rick went over to the mob and got pictures and autographs with them first. Then the news crew wanted to interview hiim. Than another news crew - and Chris was awesome. He stayed the whole time and was my camera man. I probably waited more than 20 minutes for it, but I got it damnit!

Thats right, me looking increadibly awkward with the one and only Rick Mercer! :D

Unfortuately because he was so busy and everyone wanted a peice of him, the most I got to say to him was "I'm a big fan, have watched yuo since I was a kid" but it was still really cool. Also yes, I did say it all very ackwardly. Do we expect anything less from me!?

After that I stayed chatting with Chris and we ran into some of his friends and chatted with them for a while. They were really fun and really nice and I hope I stay in touch with them because a) I liked them a lot and b) it'd be nice to get to know more people living in London. Actually get to know the place Im spending the next few years.

Then I went home. Chris drove me, so no more bus crazies to report. I was hope for MAYBE 20 minutes when I heard someone outside my room. I assumed one of my roomates was home so I ran out to brag about my day so far, but it wasnt one of my roomates. Sort of. It was my new incoming roomate. I've talked to her a bit, but never really gotten a chance to know her yet. Her and her parents had stopped by to collect a few of the things she had left here but needed at home. So we chatted and eventually I got invited out to dinner with them. Which was super SUPER nice of them. I mean, I couldnt eat anything and just had tea - but I appreciated it all the same :D. It was great getting to know her, i have a good feeling her and I will be good friends. We have a lot of different interests but get along really easily. Im really excited for her to move in.

Then they had to leave, so they dropped me off back home. I chatted with my roomate for a while and then started writing this blog. But my day isnt over - my friends are having a party/get-together-type-thingy to celebrate the end of exams so I'm going to head over there. And my roomate is having a big party and a bonfire tonight, so I may entice my friends to head that way and even if I cant I probably will hang out there for a while after everyone goes home from my friends place.

So yes, that is me going out of BEDA with a bang :D. I really enjoyed blogging every day in April and am going to try to keep up with this blog. Maybe not everyday, but yuo know, often enough. We will see how it goes and all.

So until next time, stay awesome Internets!

Friday, 29 April 2011

Heverly Bill Hillies

Im trying to think what I can update you about thats not school related, because honestly there is only so many times I can complain about school in a blog in a week.

Im a little disapointed (ok a lot disapointed) because the Montreal Canadiens are out of the playoffs. They're my team and they played well and fought hard and damn overtime killed them! Out in the first round to - well, at least they were able to make it all the way to game 7 and werent out in four or anything wimpy like that. Its been different watchign the playoffs this time around because normally hockey is my dad and I (and possibly mom and sister) sitting in the basement at my parentals house, often times eating nachos. Most of the games I watched on my own this time but one I watched with my roomate (who is a big hockey fan, but not of the Canadiens so rivalries are always fun) and then one with my friend Van, which was hilarious because I think she thinks Im a violent mofo now "Get up! GET UP! Ohhhh, did his little sholder hit you in the face?! Does hitting your face make yuor legs stop working? No? Then GET UP! Skate over to that damned bench - you're not even bleeding!" Yeah.... I get a little into hockey games. For game 7 my roomate walked into my room and just started laughing at me because I kept screaming at my computer screen. Man, I need to watch hockey more often.

For the last couple years I havent really been paying as much attention to hockey. Not because I lost interest, but because I didnt have cable/TV-with-channels-that-worked-properly and now that I do Im often to busy with school work or other life-type-activities to watch. And now that its coming to summer, hockey will soon be over so now that I actually may have time to watch it, I wont. I'd watch it while studying or doing homework or something, but lets be honest - like I'd actually be paying attentiont to my school work.

It kills me a little that I havent been paying attention to it. I was never the super hardcore fan that could quote stats at you and can tell you the backstory of every major player on every team. But I was into it enough to know what was going on, carry along a proper hockey conversation with someone, have my own opinions and be able to argue to defend my teams honour. This year I barely knew who was in the playoffs - how far I have fallen. I dont really know the players on my own team any more or the other major players on the major teams floating around. A lot changes in... 3? 4? years of not playing attention. Maybe I should try to get back into it come the Fall.

As mentioned above, my team is Montreal Canadiens. My second team is the Ottawa Senators. My opinion is that as long as you are not a Maple Leafs fan, we can be friends. I'm a Habs fav first because I was raised to be one. My dad was a huge, hard-core Habs fan and that got passed along to me. It makes me a little sad that they were one of the top teams in the NHL, having won a Stanley Cup every decade until I came along - I was too young to know what was going on the last tiem they won one and this past decade they won nothing. I still have faith in them though!

My second team is the Ottawa Senators. To be honest I knew more about  them growing up than the Habs, just because I grew up in Ottawa. We used to go to games every year and caught their games on TV more often than the Habs. My sister turned Sens fan first because of this (betraying the Canadiens legacy. But its cool, not like it bothers me or nothin' :P). The friends of mine who were hockey fans (for living in Canada I always seem to manage to befriend people who could care less about hockey) were all either Sens fans or *shudders* Leafs fans (this is where I use the term "friend" lightly :P) so i had to spend more time defending the Sens position than the Habs. Luckily this was in their high time, rather than the last few years when they've apparently been crashing and burning. *lesigh*.

Also, if you are a beginners hockey fan and want some help understanding the rules yuo should follow the blog of my friend Colleen. Essentially its a documentation of herself as a beginners hockey fan while she starts to learn about our Nations glorious game! :D

Anyway that's all for me today Internets. Tomorrow's my last BEDA day - any bets on if I manage to continue with my blog after that?  Chow Bella!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Feminine Whiles

Today has been a fun filled day. Wrote the 2nd of my crazy-exam-week exams (the first being last night) first this this morning and then spent 5 hours studying for Physiology. I was hoping to spend 2 hours studying for physiology, go to the gym and then spend the rest of the day doing psych (and maybe a bit more phys at the end of it all) but apparently that was not to be. So I spent 5 hours doing phys, came home - taking a bit of a break right now (prolly going to eat at some point) and then going to do psych. Psych is first, but phys is scarier - so its hard to figure out which to concentrate on.

My body likes to do random things to me. That sounds a lot dirtier than it is. What I mean is, my body likes to fuck with me-ok thats not helping. My upper back muscles (At least, I think its my back muscles) on my left side have decided to go really tense today, do that my entire arm and a bit of my neck hurt. And my arm keeps going randomly numb. Its really starting to piss me off and really distracting study-wise. But Im not worried, cause my body likes to do shit like this all the time. Its pretty normal for me really - like I've had my feet decide to swell for no reason before or random red spots (that weren't rashes and weren't itchy, just on big, bright, circular dot on the palm of each hand) appear on my hands or stupid things like that. And of course the big things, like a stomach that doesnt like digesting and a head that was continuously sore for my entire gr. 10 year of school. (I still get chronic migraines, but no where near as bad or often. More of a once a month thing now). So yuo know, it'll go away eventually.

What I was orginally planning on talking about in this blog is my study notes. Sounds exciting doesnt it? No, no - bear with me. It gets better - I want to talk about spelling mistakes in my study notes! Wooo!... wait! No! Come back!

I always findi t amusing reading over my study notes, because Im writing so fast that not only is there an abundance of spelling mistakes (I apparently can't figure out if its cappiliary, capilliary, cappilliary or capilary) and grammar faux pas (ok, its study notes - grammar isnt exactly a focus here!) but there are also a lot of incorrect word insertions. My favourites are ones like "Into the filtrate, therefor filtrating the blood" or, yuo know, filtering the blood. Also one of my definitions was "Vena Cava: Where the blood comes from the Vena Cava" because I do love redundancy.

My other constantly amusing although also quite helpful mistake is my editing mistakes. When I made some sort of mistake (wrong word, REALLY badly misspelt word) I would white them out (I write my notes in pen). White takes a while to dry and it a) wastes time and b) I dont have that kind of patience. So I'll leave a large enough black spot for teh rest of the word or phrase I need to write, and continue on with the paragraph. Its amazing how many times I forgot to go back and fill in the correction. Probably half a dozen times per unit - more often than I remembered thats for sure. But it ends up working out because then I get to play fill-in-the-blanks, forcing me to actually focus on what Im studying.

I do apologise that my BEDA days are probably going to end with more of a wimper than a bang (aka, me bitching about studying) but unfortuantely my last 4 days of April end up being my last 4 days of studying, so I doubt I'll have all that much exciting to talk about.

So have a good evening Internets! I'll catch you on the flip side! (cause I am that cool :D)

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Regina Felangi

So this is going to be the longest post ever. My hell week of exams starts today, but my first exam isnt until this evening so Im going to spent a lot of time studying today.

It sounds like there is a thunderstorm outside. Unfortuately thats a little disapointing. Normally there is nothing I love more than sitting and watching a good thunderstorm. This isnt a good thunderstorm however - its just rain and a few rumbles of thunder. No lightening and the rain isnt even that hard. Disapointment.

Also disapointing because it ruined my morning plans. I was going to get up, go for a jog and then head into school to start my studying. Instead I get to get up, and stare sadly out my window - ok, not too sadly. I dont know about sadly, the rains really starting to get crazy now so maybe a real thunderstorm will start. However, it definitely means no jog and avoiding go into school for a bit longer. Maybe it'll clear up later when there is still jogging time for me

Oooooh, lightning! Ok, less disapointed now. I love thunderstorms!

Ok, Im going to go pretend to study whilst really staring out my window waiting for something exciting to happen. Ttyl Internets!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


I wasnt going to write this post until later tonight. Im sitting at school tonight, supposed to be studying - not supposed to have internet access (I have found the perfect internet spot with a spotty internet connection so it frusterates me to much to ever be a real study destraction). However I'm in a bit of a pissy mood right now and needed a destraction (studying is NEVER a destraction from piss mood-ness lol) so I decided to write a blog instead.

Pissy mood btw is at frusteration of lack of getting a job. I havent heard back from my interview earlier this month I thought went well - and it would start May 2nd, so while I still techincally have time to hear from them, I have a strong supsicion I didnt get it. I have literally NEVER in my life had this much trouble getting a job - but never mind that, not what I want to be talking about right now.

I love studying - ok, no, thats a outright lie. What I mean is that I enjoy studying for certain subjects because I amuse myself greatly whilst doing it. In fact, I kind of act like a stoner when I study. I spent a good five or ten minutes today staring at my hand going "No, really, think about it - think about everything thats going on in there. Like we see the solid skin, but if yuo zoom in you notice its all like porous and stuff. And if you zoom in more? Its made up of layers of cells and if you zoom in more each of those cells are doing so much. And thats just like on the surface man, think about beneath that - yuo've got yuor veins and arterioles and capilliaries carrying nutrients and protiens and oxygen and like, man, without that you wouldnt be able to survive. And your muscle - and like I dont even have to thing about moving my fingers, it just happens. Like BAM and then move. Its just deep man" I wish I could say I was exagerating that (well, possibly the "its just deep man" part lol)

On top of that is my tendancy to remember things via complex pictures. After I wrote that blog on how the phrasing of physiology texts make me thing of engineers and other personifications, I started to notice more and more how I create this vast senarios in my head when Im learning or reviewing concepts. To remember the pathway of how blood flows, where it gets thinner and thicker, where it slows and speeds up, I think of a log-fume ride. You know, slowly it moves up and up would be like the left ventricle filling up, and then as the heart muscles squeezed would be when the log fume got to the cruxt of the hill/coster/ride thing and then rushed down into the arteries. Arterioles are much more narrow, but flexible so they are like where the splash of water is kept in as the ride slows down in a hurry and the capillaries are much more narrow so it slows even more, like the ride coming into station (I actually think there is more to this senario, but I havent reviewed the heart stuff in a while, so the memory is a little spotty. I will have to reread this later with my notes and see how accurate I was)

Another example of this would be cellular respiration. It actually makes you feel bad for poor Glucose, because he goes through so much crap. Accidently he steals some phosphorus from a couple ATPS and the guilt of it just tears him in two (2 G3P), he feels so bad in fact that when he meets a few ADPs he gives them all phosophrus as well as H+ to some NAD's.  Thats just for the glycolisis stage, the whole senario ends up getting way out of hand as he is repeatedly tricket, robbed and mugged for his phosphoruses and hydrogen molecules. He ends up living on the street, waiting for the next poor soul to come along so he can try to teach him from his mistakes (it never works).

I think I've been using these kind of memory tricks for years, without realising it. I used to help coach a friend of mine in math, and would often use visual or relatable pictures like this to help her learn. Oddly enough tho, in math I was always horrible at the word problems. Using other peoples pictures does not work as well as learning my own. Still, I wonder in subject I struggle with like calculus and *shudders* chemisty, if I conscioulsy put an effort into these senarios - would  I get better marks? Well, with any luck, I wont ever have to find out anyway (unlikely, but I can dream)

Alright Internets, I should peace out now and pretend to study for a bit again. My hell exam week starts tomorrow afterall!

Monday, 25 April 2011


Good morrow to you Internets, I hope you have been enjoying your E-aster! or just your weekend if you dont/can't celebreat E-aster.

So yesturday I said I wouldnt talk about the Doctor Who premier - well, I said I wouldnt review it. Im still not going to, but there's been something bothering me about it. Well about the last couple of season of Doctor Who actually.

WARNING: May contain spoilers

Ok - so there's this character River Song (she's not what bugs me. I, unlike a lot of people I see on the internets, quite enjoy her character and Im kinda excited to see where they are going to take her) and for anyone who doesnt know, she first showed up in the Tennant years claiming to know everything about the Doctor. I havent seen that episode in a while, so I cant remember off the top of my head, but she may or may not have said outright that her and the Doctor where married - if she didnt then it was very heavily implied. The thing is, we know nothing about River. Her timeline is completely backwards from the Doctors, so last seaon (first of the Smith years) we saw her a few times and started to get to know her. Looks like this season we will be seeing a hell of a lot of her.

Oh, and in that first episode we saw her in? Yeah, that was the day she died - like I said, backwards timelines. Wibbly Wobbly stuff - confused yet? haha.

So here's my problem - the first time she met the Doctor, he was Tennant. Everytime after that, he's Smith. So how HOW does she know that Tennant is the Doctor? I know she's aware of the regeneration thing, but I dunno, its an unexplained plot hole. If you believe the begining of priemer the other night, the Doctor dies. So River saw once, only once, Doctor in Tennant form. AND she knows that he dies before he can regenerate into a new form, so she has to know thats an older regneration. However she isnt shocked or confused seeing teh Doctor in that form UNTIL she finds out it's their first meeting.

Now I realise at that point in time the writers of the show weren't aware that Tennant was leaving the show, but it really bugs me that this should have been explained somehow. Maybe they'll clear it up later - "Next time you see me, I may be in a different regeneration cycle. Just so you arent shocked. You're going to be meeting me earlier than we ever met." Because unless the Doctor doesnt actually die and they save him somehow (always a possibility) there would be no assumption on Rivers part that they are meeting a future regeneration.

Also, can I say - they are getting kinda whismical with their names. River Song. Amelia Pond. Very pretty lol.

Also, what happened to the Doctors Daughter. I really like Matt Smith, but it bothers me that he looks so young - next time he meets his daughter (and he should meet his daughter again, because there is another Time Lord floating around out there and that whole "Im all alone" thing isnt true anymore and they could probably make a kick-ass team and... yeah) they'll look like they are practically the same age! Maybe they'll do a good job make-uping them so he seems older, but honestly (at least in terms of looks) Matt Smith does NOT look the right age to be a father of a grown up woman. Now I know this is just me picking hairs, I mean he is (depending on the time of the premier) between 900 and 1100, and when he regenerates he can't really pick how old he looks and whatnot. But still... actually, that could be quite funny if they had a dialogue in there of him being like "Actually, she's my daughter!" and then whoever they are telling giving them a look-over and being like "Yeaah... riiigghhtt..." - you know, or something a bit more creative given to you by perffesional script writers. One of the two.

Alright, Im done poking holes in my favourite show. I know there is probably about 6 million other plot holes in a show known more for its campyness than anything else.

So Internets, I will leave you're brains a ticking away with thinking about Doctor Who (or possibly how much of a nerd I am. Im ok with that to!) Have a fantastical day! :D

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Jumping Jackalopes Batman!

First- O. M. G. Doctor Who, season 6, started last night! It was CRAZY. So much happened in so little time and I am just ITCHING for next week. But Im not going to say anything more on the matter really and Im not going to review it. There's prolly a thousand million reviews online already so, you know, if you want a review - go run and watch one of them. All the same - OH MY GAWD!

So today is E-aster. The days where the eggs and bunnies come out to play and Zombie Jesus rises from the dead. Haha, you know what would be a little too ironic? If they day the zombie apocolypse started was on Easter? If that happened, I would happily admit that there is without a doubt a God. (Another thing Im not going to talk about, however, is my religious views - too controversial and I've always been of the opinion of believe what you like and I'll be over here in the corner spinning in an office chair)

So normally Easter is a pretty fun weekend. My extended family lives on the other side of the country from my immediate family, so its isnt the HUGE family get-together day that it is for a lot of my friends. However when my parents moved to Ontario from their respected locations they aquired almost an extended family via family friends, so these are the people we NORMALLY get together with. Doesnt always work out, but thats ok.

As kids (and teenagers. I doubt my parents would still do it now... not that I woudl complain if they did :P) my sister and I would always get up relatively early and start the Easter Egg Hunt. We did ours with hard-boiled eggs that my parents secretly dyed (or, as we got older, we dyed for them lol. Making the, uh, Easter Bunnies job easier. Yeah thats it) and I remember being just scandalised when I found out that difference families did it differently, like with chocolate or plastic eggs! Essepcially plastic eggs, I mean really - wheres the fun in that?! :P. My dad was pretty awesome at hiding them too, my sister and I had a jolly good time at some of the places he put them (the classic was on top of a beer bottle in the middle of the table. Subtle lol). I think my sister won the Easter Egg hunt like... every time. Not that it was a compition.

After all the eggs were found we would search for our Easter Baskets. I tell yuo, my parents where masters at getting rid of us on holiday mornings so they could sleep longer (I'll tell you about Christmas mornings another time). When we were really little, they hid them in the house and did a really good job of it. As we got older, they made it trickier. Our house is in the middle of a forest (some may debate this term, its a "bush" or a "woodlot" "its too small to be a forest". We always called it The Forest, so the Forest it is!), so as we got older my parents started hiding the Easter baskets outside. But of course, you dont want the wild animals to find it - so they would hide them in brown paper shopping bags (which are kind of an extinct species now eh? I guess they wouldnt be doing that anymore). There is nothing more difficult that finding a brown paper bag hidden amound the trees when the leaves havent grown back yet. And ALWAYS it would end up that my sister would find my basket and I would find hers. Without fail.

And then Easter dinner - between the families we would always kind of switch up who did what holiday and which house we would go to. Tho I think fairly recently its been at out place, tho I could be wrong about that. There would always been a huge meal made, my family personally would make turkey and potatoes and stuffing and carrots... regular big holiday meal stuff. It was the baking/desert that was always more fun. Mom had her special buns she made which are my favourite buns in the world, and we would make these cookies called "curlers" which are essentially deep fried dough covered in icing sugar. What could be better than that? Our friends would always bring their own deserts or helpings for teh food as well - giant feast. It was wonderful.

Of course, this year I don't get any of that. This year I'm stuck in London studying for my crazy exam schedule I have coming up. Im not depressed or saddened or anything, honestly I keep forgetting that it IS Easter. Not to mention that there is a lot of stuff I am now unable to eat that is tradition at Easter (like, say, uh, chocolate) that its almost less depressing to be here than there :P. Of course I shall call my parents and send out Easter cards and the like. Im thinking I might do something fun for dinner to treat myself - just have to think of something that wont kill my stomach haha.

So Hoppy Bunny, Egg and Zombie Jesus day Internets! Hop you have a good one! (Lame puns make me smile!)

Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Bee's Meow

Study break, studyin' breeaaakkk my brains about to pop so I take a studyin' break! <-- that was all sung btw. At least, in my head it was.

So, I'm a big clutz. No seriously, I am - Im not kidding. Really, GUYS! Why are you laughing? Im telling the truth!!

But seriously, I have done several things throughout my lifetime that allow me to label myself as such. This blog is blossoming out of an incident that happen yesturday, so I'll start with that example

Its the middle of exam season right now, and as such my room probably qualifies as a natural disaster zone (I mean, I'm not exactly a neat person to begin with). So yestuday my backpack was sitting on top of a pile of clothes right beside my dresser. When I grab it to pick it up the strap hooks on the corner of one of the drawers that was slightly sticking out. I dont realise this and I swing the bag towards my bed - as this happens, it completely pulls out the drawer from my dresser and the drawer crashes to the floor (hee, that rhymed). When it did this, a large chunk broke off the dresser and now there's a dent in my floor. Because Paige gots mad skillz yo!

Are you convinced yet? No? Oh, you just want to hear more examples of me doing stupid things. Gotcha.

So its the last day of gr. 11 - most people arent going to class, so my friends and I go (or go to each others classes) because nothing is happening in those classes anyway and we just goof off and talk and such. I can't remember what spurred it, but at one point in time my giant 6'4" friend holds his hand over his head for me to give him a high five. Being only about 5'7" myself, I obviously half to jump up to accomplish this task, and as I come down I manage to land on his foot on the side of my foot and twist it. It hurts for a few seconds, but being the tough *coughstubborncough* person I am, I deal with it and keep walking and goofing around on it. After lunch we decided against going back to classes, walking around town to get pizza and then hung out on a local playstructure. When we finally sit down, I notice my ankle is tingling so I take a look at it - yeah, it was about the size of a catalope. I with a sprain to the point of not being able to walk on it for two weeks. Yay me.

Oh, which reminds me of a time when I was on crutches - watching my friends in my jiu-jitsu class because I couldnt participate. Im bad at sitting for long periods of time tho, and end up pacing the back of teh dojo on my crutches. One of them ends up catching a match that wasnt attached and slides so I fall, yup, right on my strained ankle. Double yay me.

There's always the simple classics of things like when I was running for the bus at my HS one winter, slipped on ice, had my feet swiped out from under me and smacked my head on the ground infront of everyone.

Or when I was on a date with a guy, setting teh mood in my living room and managed to knock a glass of water with my foot and spill water all over his lap.

I spilt an entire bottle of pepsi (personal sized bottle) in my bag which was holding my laptop and camera. Laptop survived with a bit of wear and tear, camera did not.

I've managed to break many a dish, glass, mug, etc. over my lifetime, including some of my moms specail crystal wine glasses (I ended up refusing to wash them when I did the dishes because I was always kinda afraid I would break them).

When I was maybe 10 or 11 I think, I was giving a piggyback ride to a friend of mine who was ... 6? I think, at the time. I was running with her on my back in my basement when I tripped, sent her flying across the room and she bashed her elbow on the corner of the couch and dislocated it. This is why people dont let me around small children - I have a tendancy to break them :P.

Of course, that is the curse of being a clutz (aside from breaking a lot of things). People trust me well enough, just not my clumbsy tendancy. Im not allowed around knives, expensive things, breakable things, babies... Really, I try to be careful! I really really do! ... Im sorry...

So yeah, that is me Internets. I think that made a wonderful description of why some of my friends have recently nicknamed me Paige Epicfail :P.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Tiger Lilies

It is now techincally the 22nd. Im writing my BEDA post at 12:30 am because tomorrow I want to wake up, head to school and studying until I cannot see straight any longer and then come home and crash. Or at very least come home and watch really stupid things online and not think about writing or words or thinking.

So have you ever been in a coversation about food when someone (perhaps yuorself) says something along the lines of "Omg, dude I love pizza. I mean like I LOOOVE pizza. If there was one food I would eat for the rest of my life, it is pizza!" Possibly not with pizza, maybe with bread, or pasta, or cheese, or vegimite... you get the picture. I was thinking about that today, eating peas straight out of the pot and that thought went through my head "Man, i could eat peas every day for teh rest of my life and never get sick of them." But actually, I disagree with myself - and heres why.

I have been in the unfortunately position where I was only able to eat a handful (if that) of foods for a elongated period of time. Last January (a few days after it turned 2010) my stomach gave out on me. They still dont know why and I wont go into the details, but once it did I pretty much could only eat rice without having extreme stomach pain/reactions. My diet was strictly rice, bread and plain oatmeal in the mornings (no, for those wonder, its not celiac, I am not gluten intolerant - if I was I would not be able to eat any of those things!). My diet was strictly those three things for four months straight. Have you ever tried eating the exact same thing for four months straight? No deviation, none. Even still almost a year and a half later, my diet is still effed up and I still am eating a diet with very little variety and I still eat rice several times a week.

Now I suppose, going back to my original point, that it may be different for people who aren't me. But I love variety - if things are the same for too long (whether its colours, routines, sounds, activities, etc.) I get bored and I get bored very quickly. It was actually pretty surprising with rice - I didnt get bored. Well, no, thats a lie. I got very bored. But I still liked it, in fact I still like it. Im just wholey sick of it. I know that, if I had to, I can eat it for teh rest of my life. I also know that if I had to do that, I would probably skip meals pretty often because honestly? Eating the same thing day after day for every meal doesnt really make yuo WANT to eat.

The sad thing is I used to LOVE rice. Now, I can stand rice. Which I think is a testiment to how much I liked it,  because it I had to eat something like tomatoes (which I severly dislike) or dried appricots (which I can stand) almost every day for a year and a half? I think I'd be ready to off myself by now. I'd gag everytime I had to eat them. More than that, which I am finding myself doing more and more faced with the prospect of rice, I'd stray to eating things I should and just dealing with the penalty because, sometimes, its REALLY worth it.

Which isnt actually a bad thing. People always ask if I ever stray from my restricted diet, suggesting that maybe one of the best things to do is eat outside the norm - just to see if I can. Maybe my stomach problems arent as bad as I think. Trust me, if you HAVE to eat the same thing every day for a year and a half, you are going to stray. I have learned several times the hard way that yes, in fact, I stick to my diet for a reason. Now obviously I havent tried EVERY food out there. Because there are a lot of foods out there. And a lot of variety of flavours and combinations of everything. Man. I miss taste. So maybe I can expand my food repitoire a little. But figuring out how is a lot harder than it sounds.

So I may sit down too a bowl of, say, cesare salad (which is my absolute favourite salad) (which I am no longer allowed to eat) (gawd I miss taste!) and think that if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, this would be it (which wouldn't be a bad choice, I mean its got all yuor four food groups in there right? :P). But it would be a very sad day the day that I got up and thought to myself "So, whats for breakfast?! Oh, right. Cesare Salad. Hmmm, never mind. I think I'll just go back to bed now" (last part is a pretty normal thought process for me actually lol) (... except recently when my body keeps waking me up at 9am and I can't go back to sleep. Damn you growing up). I wouldnt want to eat my favourite food every day, all the time, because it would soon just become a disapointment. And I woudlnt want to eat my least favourite food every day either because really - ugh. Gross. No thank you.

So whats the moral of this story Internets? Variety is the spice of life and dont take two plus advil every day for 4-5 years because yuo will majory frak up your stomach. Have a good night! (or morning or afternoon. Whatever yuo prefer!)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Spoon full of cyanide

You know what I love? Horoscopes. I have two regular ones that I read every day and then if I see others (such as in random newspapers and the like) I will read those as well. You might ask "Why horoscopes Paige? They're just a bunch of made up dribble and hocum" (*is please I was able to use the word 'hocum' in a post, even if I didnt spell it remotely correctly*). Well dear Internets, this is exactly why I read them. Because they are always without a doubt wrong. It's more fun to read them and be like "Ok good, now I know what my days NOT going to be like"... well this might not always be good. If my horoscope says Im going to have a perfect day, that doesnt really give me insentive to get out of bed with that thinking :P.

Probably one of my favourite days in the past few months was when everyone found out their astrological signs had changed. Leave it up to people (because we have so many other sentient beings to compare ourselves to) to find out something so insignificant changed and then panic about it. Well, my sign didnt change - I'm apparently just that hardcore of  Leo. I think my favourite was the people who had their horoscope symbol tatooed on them and then found out thats not what they were. The one thing they thought would never change, so it was safe to tatoo it forever on themselves. Oops. Because, as we all know, our personalities have nothing to do with ourselves and everything to do what time of the month we were born at.

Honestly when that news first came out I thought it was some kind of a hoax. Someone thought "hey wouldnt it be fun to report this to the media and back it up with scientific jargon that the media peoples wouldnt understand, just to see what kind of a reaction we get?". I mean honestly, how fun was it to watch people freak out about it? But apparently it only applied to a different hemisphere of the world, and, alas, all my fun was ruined. I was just waiting for them to add Ophiuchus to the daily papers.

When it comes to actual horoscope personalities, well, I'll be honest - I fit mine pretty well. I'm loud, outgoing, loyal, spot-light-loving, social, arguementative, prideful... and yet, I hate (or rather, am not very fond of) lavish spending, Im not one for being pampered (except on special occasions), I am REALLY not easily hurt or offended and (aside possibly from my mother) (or if Im pmsing, lets be honest) take critism fairly well... so yeah. It also interests me to think that if I was born 2 days later, I would have been a Vigro. So if I was born just two days later, my personlity would have been completely different? Cool. So heres what you do ladies, if you want your kid to have certain personality traits, if they want to come out sooner just suck 'em in for a couple more days and yuo'll get that kid you desire! *not that Im being cynical or anything*.

So yeah, horoscopes are fun - but honestly, not a huge believer in them. Tho apparently an Aries is my perfect match in guy. Sooo... any cute aries out there wanna hook up? :P Remember, I like being pampered, I always comes first, Im super outgiong so if it looks like Im fliting with someone else - honestly, I was just being the center of attention! Most importantly, my way or the highway bud! Now isnt that an attractive dating prospect? :P

So have a wonderful day Internets. I predict it will be you best day ever and love or wealth or luck or something wonderful like that will rain down on yuo. Unless it doesn't - it might just rain. Have fun with that! :)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Goats in the Closet

So I just wrote and posted a very long and very personal and very not-humourus post. And now I am doing something I never thought I would do - Im deleting it. I threw it out on the internet for everyone to see and then I realised, I didnt want everyone to see that. I'm saving it to my computer tho - so maybe one day I'll post it, if I have the cahones.

Um... in other news - I finished my first exam! Finally. Only about a week after the majority of my friends seemed to finish their. But whatevs. It's cool. I dont mind that I only get a two week break before summer school starts when they all will have been done for a month. No really, Im fine with this! (and may be SLIGHTLY exagerating the difference in start and finish dates of their exams :P)

So Im not too sure what to write about now. If this was a video I'd insert a picture of a monkey riding a dog or something for a transition. I have a feeling now that this post is gonna be relatively short.

Oh! Btw - did you enjoy my poem yesterday? If you thought it was crap, that's cool. I made it up on the spot, pulling it out of my ass along the way. So it really was just one, large, super awesome pile of crap. :D

Anyway Internets, I finished one exam today but still have another four to go. Im gonna go write some notes or some other such way of pretending to be productive. Have a good wednesday!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Hippoptomus for Christmas

I'm not going to write the way I normally do
But rather try making this rhyme all the way through
I wont do it often, it's a little out of the norm
But sometimes you've got to switch out of blog form
I hope this will make you laugh
As I struggle with lack of paragraphs
So whether with skeptism or hilarity
Please enjoy the following "poetry"

Between myselves I started a debate
Should I write about what I love or what I hate
Write about my stomach which gives me pain
Or possibly about school and how it hurts my brain
Maybe about poetry since I've decided to rhyme
But poems about poetry are way past their prime
So I've decided to talk about one of my favourite things
(And no, its not going to be about the Lord of the Rings)

Theres a slight chance that you might have heard
That I can be a bit of a nerd
With that being said, I will take you through
My favourite show, thats right, Doctor Who!
Early this week I made a discovery
To watch OLD Doctor Who, I don't need BBC
Instead I have for 30 days free
Subscribed to Netflix, like internet TV!

Since I study so much and my brain often hurts
I treat my brain to its form of desert
The movies are so old, from the 1970s
Made slightly after the origina of the hit TV series
Each movies has stared one doctor or more
Based around Doctor 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Of Doctors I have yet to pick a favourite
But it makes me happy the companion's aren't dumb as horse shit

Being careful with Netflix not to overuse
Because my bandwidth privelege I dont want to abuse
Luckily I am the in-house Techie
No one else uses the internet (at least not like me)
So we have plenty of bandwidth to spare
But still I will tread Netflix with care
Unlike Netflix, bandwidth isnt free
And I really dont want to pay the penalty

I guess I'll sum up, it just seems time
First I wrote this because I like to rhyme
Although talking of it was not what I chose
Nor pains in my stomach, my head or running nose
Instead of the love of my favourite show
A show so old,  I doubt I'll outgrow
Of this long post I have no regrets
So peace out for now, my dear Internets! :D

Monday, 18 April 2011


Every once in a while I think of a really good idea for a blog after I had already written my daily blog. I need to start writing some of these ideas down or possibly writing them in advance. That would also save me time in the long run because instead of sitting here for 20 minutes when maybe I should be studying or some silly thing like that, I could just copy-paste from Word into my blog. It's be all like, efficient and stuff *because I write eloquantly*

I've always had trouble finding words. And I dont mean in the sense of "I just dont know the words to tell her that I love her!" thats easy, it would go something along the lines of "I. Love. You." Nice, quick and simple. I also dont mean in the "I dont know what to say" category because, lets be honest, I talk and ramble way too much. I always have something to say (tho, admittably, probably not always the right thing - but I try haha). No, what I mean is I literally have problems finding the right words.

Take my blog post yesterday for an example. I wasted a good ten minutes on the internet trying to figure out the word for "giving inanimate objects human characteristics." I had the word "anamorphism" stuck in head which, which if I had used it without looking it up would have been very much the wrong word. According to anamorphism is 1. "intense metamorphism of a rock in which high-density complex minerals are formed from simpler minerals of lower density" or 2. "a distorted image of an object, as in anamorphic art." Not QUITE the imagery I was trying to portray. I eventually googled "to give inanimate objects personality" and settled on personify. But that whole blog post it bothered me, because it was the word I was thinking of. So of course I woke up this morning (picture me waking up and bolting into a sitting position with a lightbulb over my head shouting out to the heavens/neighbours. I mean, thats not how it happened, but feel free to picture it!) with the word in my head. "Anthropomorphising" Duh. How could I have forgotten that? :P

Its not just in writing (however when I am writing, google is my best friend for that reason alone lol). I have gotten well known over the years for being the "Um" girl. Being that person who will be telling a super interesting story (because, if you can't tell from this exciting blog of my, every story I tell is exciting. And informative. Never pointless.) and then stopping in the middle and being like "And, um, yeah, um... shit where was I?" or more like "So then we hit the... uhh. Oh crap, whats the word? You know - that thing cars drive on. Oh! Road! Shit yeah that. So we hit the road and..." And that isnt an overexageration either. It literally happens for such simple and common place words like "road". Possibly because somewhere in this ambigiously coloured hair of mine there are definite strands of blonde.

And of course, this always ends up in amusing situations. Particullary when I am trying to use large words and fail because I can't remember the actual word. "I had a prepared speech and everything. I just looked them straight in the eye and I told them. I was very particulate about it to!" " where broken into particles about it?" "What? No, shit, I mean I spoke well and clearly..." "...articulate maybe?" "Yeah! Thats the one!"

This is even more fun in other languages. I speak a very VERY small amount of French (product of the Canadian school system I am, gr. 9 french baby!). So of course I dont really know how to pronounce a lot of words properly. Normally I speak it in a way that I am teasing myself for it (last year for the birthday of a friend of mine from Quebec I sang him "Bonnie-Fet-eh"). So of courrse that gets me in more trouble, because if I actually go speak it I manage to not have it quite work out. Ironically the french sentence I seriously try to say most often is "Je ne pas parle le Francais" (I dont know how to speak French). But I pronounce it "Je ne pas parley les Francais"... Im not 100% sure what parley means in french, and Im pretty sure the people I am speaking to don't either. On the flip side, still manages to get my point across!

Alright, um, you guys - yuo know, the ones that don't actually read my blog.. that float around the this place... oh! Internets (:P *so witty*). I feel the need for a shower coming on. I will leave you with the promise of yet another oh-so eloquantly written blog post on the morrow. Adeiu!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Santa Maria

I must think my computer screen is very pretty - I've been staring at it for like 10 minutes trying to figure out what to write. I could put it off until I have something intellegent to say, but who am I kidding - even if I could think of something to say would it really be all that intellegent? :P

My absolutely favourite class I am taking this year is Physiology. How the human body works. Its so fancinating and detailed, and Im just doing a first-level type course that just skims the basics. I really enjoy the program I am in now, but I wont lie - the idea of switching to a major of physiology is tempting some days. There are really two things that stop me. First is that I have the potential to graduate my four-year degree in three years, which would be nice. The second is that loverly little thing called Chemistry. To take on a full time masters in physiology would require me to have chemistry. Yeah, not going to happen *hates chemistry*

One of the things I love about physiology is how everything is phrased when its being taught. I've already mentioned how they make it sound like some big construction/engineering project "well the problem could be solved if we put in an enzyme at this stage". I also love how they seem to personify so many of these prossess. Or maybe thats my own mind... "Hormone is then stored until it is signaled for use. An enzyme will then come along, cleaving it into its active form where it is then transported to its target tissue and iniciates a series of responses." Thats not the best example, just what I could think of off the top of my head, but there are a lot more obvious examples of what I am talking about throughout my text/workbook thingy. All the same, it just gives me this picture of some dude who was trained for a specific job or task sitting and waiting until his boss finally comes down as is like "Alright, we have a a job for you. Gotta get you cleaned up and read to go" (hence the enzyme) and then they provide a car or plane for our guys travelling needs and then when he gets there he like, I dunno, kills the president which sets off a chain reaction leading to war. Or maybe he is just a delivery boy and hands some goon a note until it reachs the big boss who doesnt something about it.

...ok Im really starting to think these kind of thing might be my own imagination doing this whole personifying thing. Thats cool tho, good memory trick. Honestly tho if I wasnt too lazy I could get up and actually get my physiology book and get a better example. But my example was so much fun!

Also our story does have an antagonist - and by that I mean a signal molecule which can attach the the same receptor as our hormone but does not inciate a response, just blocks the proper signal molecules (such as our hormone hero) from attaching to the receptor. It still works in the literary context however, seeing as an antagonist in a story will often go out of their way to block the hero of the story right? *physiology terms Paige will not forget when going into the exam*... maybe I should just write out my whole human body story on the exam? What'd we think? A for certain is what I think! (... on my multiple choice exam...)

Well, as always, I seem to have gotten over my writers block. As always, this has been Paige Rambling. Goodnight Internets! ( "Paige it's morning" "Shhh, they dont know that!")

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Dagger in my Shoe

Once again Im trying to write this early. I have been doing fairly poorly at studying for my upcoming exams. Most of them are more than 10 days away, but one is less than a week. So I'm going to go to school today and lock myself in the library with no distractions and forcing myself to get a shit-ton of studying done!

Also I have no food again. I have this bad habbit of putting off and putting off buying groceries. Eventually I will finally get to the point of having rice, half a bag of frozen veggies and cereal but no milk. The biggest annoyance this gives is bringing my grocery bill from like $35 to like $70. I justify that by then waiting at least two weeks before I go out and get groceries again. Im not really sure if its actually a better method however...

So I live with a bunch of a guys (and one other girl). This may or may not change in the upcoming months as one of the guys is moving out and the girls is moving out (another girl is moving in, but I dont know who is filling the second room yet). Anyway, I bring this up because it hasnt become more clear as to what gender I am living with than this week. Last weekend the bathroom was supposed to be painted, so it meant we all had to use the downstairs bathroom for a couple days. And thats all it took - a couple days. But the paint on the ceiling was cracking for some unknown reason. So they had to repaint it, after "mudding it" since they didnt know what kind of paint the previous owners of the house used. But the paint STILL cracked. So what was their solution? Well lets take out the ceiling and start again! Anyway it has now been a week and I still dont have a conviently-located bathroom. Nor does it look like I'll have one by the end of the weekend (which was the third ETA they gave me). Bathroom has a ceiling, but I dont think its done *no idae how to check* and is covered in white dusty stuffs.

That brings me to what annoys me about all this. I dont mind the re-doing of the bathroom saga, honestly. I know I cant have a shower, but if I could at least use the bathroom who cares right? The people who started the painting (my landlord/roomate and his fiance) would always clean up as much as possible by the end of the day and I could use the sink. Dude  doing the ceiling leaves everything covered in white dusty stuff by the end of the day - which means using the sink would probably making my face and teeth more dirty. He just throws blankets over things to cover them (which is actually very amusing because yesterday I walked out of my room to see a naked lady staring up at me from a blanket on the floor - as in thats what the pattern was, not that a naked lady decided to crash on that blanket :P).

So I hope you enjoyed this episode of Paige Rants Tiredly. I am your host, just-woke-up Paige. Up next week - having to walk all of 2 minutes to get to the bus! *gasp*.

#firstworldproblems. Geeez my life is hard :P

Til tomorrow Internets!

Friday, 15 April 2011

Vintage Cheese

So, upon much consideration, this blog comes to you in two parts.

Part of the first -
It has come to my attention that it is, yet again, that time of year. The time of year where I have every cold symptom imaginable, minus the lack of energy or the general feeling of crappiness that comes along with it. That's right my dear Internets, its allergy season. Runny nose, constant sneezy, buying stupidly over-price allergy medication 3 times a week. Almost like being back home with the cats! This time around its even more exciting for me because my landlord is redoing the bathroom which means that on top of the seasonal cursing-of-the-flowers-and-whatnot allergies, we have loverly amounts of dust covering everything in the house with paint fumes for our added sneezing pleasure.

Essentially Im just complaining because I havent bought any allergy meds yet. Part of me whats to see how long I can go without - they're expensive! Part of me also thinks I should suck it up and get the damn allergy meds. Im sure by the end of the month my friends will be thinking the same thing, after the cut of my whining voice has left a perminant scar on their brain. (or my winning voice! I like that better). So yeah - yay allergies and Paige complaining about it!

Part of the second
OMGOMGOMGOMG! I have been nerding out for the past half hour or so. The Hobbit has started filming! The Hobbit is being filmed RIGHT NOW! WHY am I not in New Zealand for this?! I would make a fantastic dwarf... or, you know, if all those silly main parts have been cast, an extra I suppose. I was sooo obsessed with LOTR when it came out, and it always made me sad that I was too young to actually go and visit the set when it was still up. And that I didnt get into the books or movies until after the majority of the filming was done so I didnt really have much chance to get into it anyway. Well... Pete Jackson did say the filming would take two or three years right? I have time right? Right?!

Honestly tho, I am super excited for this movie. But even more exciting than that is this:

 Thats right, Peter Jackson is making vlogs from set as the making of the movie commences. Its going to be like behind the scenes as it happens! One of my FAVOURITE part of movie watching, esspecially with LOTR was always the behind the scenes/making of. So I think this is crazy awesome. Of course I have subscribed (because I have a problem) and am going to be following it all the way through. It is just too awesome not to.

Anyway, I hope yuo have enjoyed my parts. I will let you get back to yuor day Internets. Goodbye!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Rabbit Named Stew

I have an alternate to the phrase "Time flys when yuo're having fun." "Time flys when on butter and rum!" Why butter? Cause time just slips away - "oops! Butterfingers!" :P (And nooo, of course I didnt just pull that explination out of my ass! So stop thinking I did, geeez)

As a, um, not-really religious person, I've had several theories of how God may of created the universe as I was growing up. My favourite was always that God was actually some dad who took over his kids Diarama project. You know, like little Jesus toddles up to his Father with something vaguely spherical, made of divine popsicle sticks and held together with sacred masking tape and is like "Look dad! I made a planet for my school project. We get to create our own universe, isnt that cool?! I'm calling this one Earth!"  And God looks down upon his son and say unto him "Oh thats really neat. Hey! You wanna work on this together? I bet we could make the best universe out there!" Then God spends like 6 nights and 6 days staying up and painting things, glueing things together, concocting debatable-on-the-ethics chemical experiments which end up creating life, while little Jesus spins on the chair next to him and plays with his blessed toy airplane. Then on the 7th day, they presented.

Since I started studying Health Sciences, and the whole human body thing I have developed a new theory. At very least on how they created life, if not the universe. See when ever you read text books explaining human physiology or listen to your proffs in yuor physiology class (pffft. Listen to proffs. Who does that? :P) Explinations always seem to go something like this "Now you can see the flaw in the design of the ear. The middle ear is full of air, but the inner air is filled with fluid, creating a pressure difference. If sound where to go directly from one to the other, only about 1% of the sound wave would transfer through. Luckily this problem is solved by 3 tiny bones located in the middle ear, attaching to the inner ear." It kind of sounds like my dad and his engineering buddies (my dads an engineer) when they are trying to fix a problem. "I think I see a flaw in your design plan - one lower decible of sound and they wont be able to hear anything." "Hmmmm. Well what if we had something that can pick up the vibration, focusing and amplifying so that it can resist the pressure change?"

So this leads me to my new theory - God is actually G.O.D.D. - Graciousness' Organic Divine Designs. The company in charge of creating this new universe, highered by some corperate stooge who just got a promotion and needs a vacation get-a-way. So of course,  the higher beings that design life would have to be engineers. Something this complicated? I bet it was their pet project - the one they sat around being like "Frack, stupid life. It never works. I hate life" but spend all their time on so their spouses start complaining how their always in the basement tinkering away with life and that just once it would be nice if they had dinner with the family. Calling each other up "Hey Bob, you have a problem with the pancrease creating pepsin - its corosive. Everytime I feed these babies a little energy, it starts eating away at the tissue." "Hmmm... pepsin's pretty important, so I can't get rid of it. There has to be a way of transporting it without damaging the rest of the body" "Well, what if you make it into a larger molecule that can get cut up into pepsinogen once it reaches the stomach? They just upgraded to using hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and with the new mucos lining the pepsin wont damage anything once it gets there" "I'll think it over Doug, get back to you"

Human v. 1.0-5.0 would never even reach the public eye. They they came out with v.5.0 - nickname? Homoerectus! (Actually, the first versions were probably water creatures until the corperate stooge complained about the lack of actual land on some of his planets and so then they moved to land creates and so on. You get the picture).

I definitely don't see any holes in my theories. Definitely not, not one little bit - heck theory #2 ties in pretty well with the Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy books, which I only just realised. So obviously it's got to be right, if Douglas Adams agrees with me.

Time for me to scedadle Internets. Try not to miss me to much!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


So what do we think Internets? Will I magically become productive today. I hopes so *crosses fingers*

I am a self-proclaimed music lover. I always have been, I've been singing since I was a small child, played tenor sax throughout late elementry school and high school (... badly mind yuo, but I still played it!) and now am dedicated to my beautiful guitar. Since I started playing my guitar I have also discovered I have a knack for song writing. I mean, I may never write anything that willl last through the ages but I think if I ever put them out into public veiw, people would enjoy my songs to a certain extent (high praise I know. I try not to let it go to my head).

What always seems to get people, however, is my lack of popular (or not-so-popular) music. I have the worst memory for band names and song titles. And an even worse memory for which song title goes with which band name. I can listen to a song and be able to sing every word to it**. However, ask me who actually played the song and I will look at you with a blank look on my face.

I'm not saying this is true with EVERY song. If Im listening to my own music list I know the majority of the songs. Pretty much cause I've listened to them enough times, with a good idea of what I have and sneaking a peak at whose playing every once in a while. Also some bands do have a distinct sound or style that can be picked out from a crowd if you know them well enough. So really popular bands like the Beatles or Queen that have quickly become classics I can identify like 85% of the time.

And of course, as with my aformentioned obssession, I'm definitely starting to get to know my Youtube musicians. This is something I am very happy to have been introduced to. There are some very good musicians on youtube (as well as very adequite and very... well they try hard lol). If I had the money I would buy all their music. Unforunately I dont, but its something I may do a little at a time if I ever actually manage to find employment *seethes bitterly for a second*. Ok Im done, bitterness over. The nice thing about youtube is that even if I can't buy the music now, I have it availible for free on the inets. Gotta love the internets eh? :)

With all this music talk, one may wonder who my favourite bands are. Honestly? Im not too sure. The only band I can say without a doubt is in my top is Great Big Sea. The problem with not being able to identify bands is that its very hard to pick favourites. Also, one of my favourite FAVOURITE types of music is Showtues. Yes. I know. Sorry :P. That makes picking a favourite band difficult as well because showtunes dont really identify with a particular band or musician lol.

Overall I like the majority of music that gets thrown my way. Im not a huge fan of rap/hip-hop but I would also be lying if I said there wasnt a few songs in that genre I did actually enjoy. Sometimes I would have to be in the right mood or right astomsphere. I also dont like country music. I mean REALLY don't like country music (which I have been informed is shameful seeing as I grew up in the country. Oh well.). It's like nails on a chalkboard for me. Ugh *shudders*.

Just so you can see that I do enjoy a little of everything, I will list the genres of music I have on my own music list (that I can remember off the top of my head).
Rock (classic and new)
Japanese/Asian Pop

I may have others. Like I said, thats off the top of my head.
I'm starting to enjoy thi blogging thing - its amazing how I can ramble on once I think of a topic :P.
Well enjoy you day Internets. I bid yuo adeiu until the morrow comes!

**Well, with like 95% accuracy. When I have a trouble hearing lines in a song or they come out mumbled, I like to make up words. Or just sing words that I thought they were since I was a kid... and then get corrected by hard-core music enthusiasts with looks of horror on their face. Is saying "I am the eggplant, I am the eggplant, I am the walrus. coo coo cashew!" really all the much weirder than the actual lyrics? "I am the eggman, I am the eggman, I am the walrus. Goo goo ga-joo". Just sayin' :P

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Peanut butter Jelly Time

This is going to be a half-asses short post for the sake of keeping up with BEDA. I dont know why, but I am gawd awful tired today. Normally thats pretty standard for a Tuesady cause I would be getting up at 6:30 and be having class all day until about 10 at night. Howevers classes are now over, so I have no idea why I am so tired because I went to bed early last night after my cardio class and got up when my body told me it was awake. Then it decided it was awake for maybe an hour, and then I crashed. Didnt help that I went for a jog, but even before the jog I was crashing. I eventually had a nap, which woke me up a bit but didnt last. Needless to say I got very little studying done today. And I'll prolly be in bed quite early. Wft body? W.F.T?

Monday, 11 April 2011


It has occured to me that I will never be a classic comedy writter. When I started this blog I wanted it to be really funny and witty. I dont think it has turned out on such. Instead its random filler or myself musing over something or another. And my musing don't really turn out that funny. Alas *swings hand to head in dramatic pose*.

You know whats wonderful tho? Writers block *notreally*. Im sitting here staring at my blog post box thingy trying to be interesting and creative in my writing. Instead all I can think is "hey look, an almost blank blog post box." Not exactly inspiring words. I may even resort to telling you my plans for today (spoiler alert: Im going to be studying).

You know what my plans for the summer are? (There! Thought of sometimes to talk about - almost like a preliminary "What I did for my summer vacation" essay). Obviously not, so I'll tell you. There's the boring stuff, such as working (at least I better be! *has yet to get a job*) and summer school (Health and Ethics. Why did I sign up for this?! WHY?! Oh yeah... apparently Im a bit of a masochist. And I need it to graduate eventually) and the super exciting stuff, aka, GOING TO AUSTRALIA!! (I may have mentioned that in passing in a previous blog). But thats not what I wanted to write about. My plans, just for everyday, when I have time, if people come to visit, with friends living here or even just on my own, is to explore London (Ontario, no England. That would be much more cool tho).

When I first got to London I had quite a few ppl assure me that there's nothing exciting to do in London. Im starting to get the feeling that this may have been falseified slightly. Told to me by people whose only idea of a good time is getting skanked up and crunked at a bar or people who sit in front of their computer their whole life or people who have lived in London for so long, they just dont go out and explore because they are used to what they have here. My goal is to find some of the exciting things to do (and spend relatively little on it if possible). For example, just by going for an interview I discovered a waterpark/go-karting/miniput/golf course recreational center place. I also know there are a bunch of cute little shops downtown that could be fun to explore. And apparently a 'Medical Hall of Fame" which is interesting to me because I am interested in Medicine.

I was at the London Convention Center a while ago as well. They had a brochure with a list of activities to be found in London, so I picked that up as well. Use it as a starting point. Essentially I just dont want to be trapped in my house all Summer. I want to enjoy the nice weather. Besides, maybe I'll find something that will be my new favourite activity, or meet new people along the way. You never know right! Wow that sounded cheesy and after-school-special-esk. I could have my own show on the family channel. *pictures this now* It would have lots of me smiling, and good looking actors, and still shots of me getting into all sorts of trouble with hints of drama and life-changing conclusions! It'll be a rip-roarin' good time!

Stay tuned Internets, Paige's Ultimate Summer will be back after these messages!

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Im hungry, but I haven't gotten out of bed to eat yet. I should do something about that. But I hear ppl in the kitchen and Im not in the mood to make small talk right now.

Also someones coming to look at my room for renting today so I need to clean it. Im not moving out, Im moving into a larger room cause other roommates are moving out. Which is wonderful cause my room is approximately the size of a closet (walk-in closet MAYBE but still. Harry Potter was spoiled :P). But also sadfaced because I love the paint job of my room and my new room has a boring paint job. I will have to do something about that. If I had artistical skillz I would paint something epic on it, make it a summer project. However I'll prolly just paint a wall some random colour instead.

I feel the difficulty with with blogging thing is I cant say everything that goes through my mind because much of it is singing or randomness in random voices. My life is difficult :P.

Anyway, this shalt be short today inets. I am hungry so I am going to go suck it up and get eatables! Have a funtatstic day :D

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Salsbury Steak

I never plan out what I am going to blog. Normally Im just sitting at my computer and think to myself "Hmmmm. Well now is a good time to start blogging" and then I have to fingure out what I will blog about. Sometimes that's easier than expected and sometimes it's quite hard (thats what she said. oooooh :P *is lame but is ok with that*).

I try not to go too indepth to things like "What Im going to do today!" because then my blogs would essentially consist of
Dear Internets. Today I studied, sat in front of my computer watching youtube and picked up nose. The last part was soooo satisfying! Much love, Me!

Now saying this, if I actually am able to keep this blog up for that length of time, once I make it to Auz I may have more "This is what I did today" blogs. But that'll be cool cause it would be like
And then I saw a Kangroo and then it let me pettededed it and then we went hiking and then we saw a cookabura and then I ate alligator meat and then I went subadiving in the great barrier reef and then I swam with the dolphins and then I met a really hot Aussie guy with no shirt on at the beach and then I picked my nose but it was no where NEAR as fun as everything else I did!

A little more exciting I'd like to think lol.

Sometimes I think I'd like to use this blog to write down story ideas I have and whatnot, but honestly - those kind of things I keep to myself mostly. Partially cause most of the ideas are pretty lame, partially cause they will never get written but mostly cause I dont feel like it lol. At least not today.

I could try to do serious or informative content, like reviewing the movie I went to last night (Paul: Cute, started off slow but was relatively funny by the end. Good throw backs to other geeky/nerdy references. Not as good at Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead) but pfffft. Who wants serious content? Thats all like... serious and stuff *shudders*. It even gives this blog a point, and really, who wants that? :P

Alright Internets, I guess I shall get back to picking my nose now. Theres a particularily elusive booger I've been working on ALL morning. Wish me luck! :D

Friday, 8 April 2011

Fanny Pack Princess

Have you ever heard the song "Banana Phone" by Raffi? for those who havent.

I enjoy this, because it make a great anology for life. I mean take the puns at the end - Life has apeal, you can have your life and eat it to... but sometimes life drive you Bananas :P. Deep stuff in a kids song

Also, I keep writing Banadas every time I mean to write Bananas. Im more tired than I realise today (which is a pretty big deal, cause I realise I'm very tired lol).

Today is my lazy Friday. And by that I mean, its Friday and Im feeling lazy. Had a crazy (by crazy I mean we played Cranium and ate homemade pizza) girls night with a few of mes amigas last night. Stayed up late of course, crashed at my friends and I dunno. I always come away tired from those things no matter how well I sleep or how late I sleep in. I can't even blame it on booze cause I can't drink sooooo.... yeah.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my music recomendations for the day. Really this song is a classic that will go down in history like Beethoven or Mozart (ways I remember to spell those names: Beet - Oven with an H and Mo (as in slang for more) zart yo! Oh numonics or whatever that kind of thing is :P)

Thursday, 7 April 2011

I think my canoe has a hole

I just had a very long blog typed out, and then I decided I didnt want to post it. So I didnt. These are the exciting types of stories you should expect from reading my blog :D.

I am a REALLY bad runner. But I discovered recently I actually enjoy doing it, because my brain has this ability to not be logical. So I've decided to start running - so far on a treadmill. So far I can only do about 15-20 minutes of actual running depending on my speed. But I'll get better (I hope :S).

I also do kung fu. It is fun. Also frusterating, because I'm new at it and spend most of my classes staring into a mirror and watching myself kick or block. It brings out interesting thoughts in my head, such as "People have really weird shaped feet" and "My feet definitely look bigger when flat on the ground than in the air." Also I have noticed that the many mirrors are bent or convexed or concaved. Note to self - dont use to judge body size.

I did four years of jiu-jitsu. When I go to kung fu, I see the consequence of those four years - it has not all that much to do with style and technique, but everytime my Sefu barks an order at me or the class, I always want to shout "Hus Sensei!" back at him like I used to in my jiu-jitsu class. Is jiu-jitsu spelt like how I have been spelling it, or more like "jui-jitsu"? I am never sure (also never sure about sensei and honestly, were we supposed to yell "hus" or "hai"? Groundbreaking questions these are)

I kind of want to join some sort of acrobatics class. Like tumbling or trampolining or something. I feel like I would love it. I also feel that if I did this, I would have to quit kung fu because I definitely would not have time or money for both. I just really want to learn how to do flips and fun stuff like that, just because I could.

I think I am going to go eat lunch now - its a little later than I meant to, but I got home from the gym and had a shower and have just been too warm and content to move from my bed ever since. My stomach is starting to object to this decision however, and I have often learned its smart to listen to my stomach.

Au revoir Internets! :D

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Beetle the Barge

Pooosssterating before nooooon so I can has studying days all days to days da-dum! (<- that was being sung. Its hard to tell when you cans nots really hears me)

Mes examinations art aproaching quicker than I'd like to believerate. So I decidededed that I shalt do something about dis conundrum todays.
Well, I'd decided a while ago that I would... but Im DEFINITELY starting today. No mores putting it off dangnamit!

I feel as tho I had more fun, exciting, amusing, hilarious, interesting, entertaining and thought provoking words in while to fancy-up this post with. But they are escaping maself A.T.M.

Have a wonderous and fantastical and maybe even slightly ironical day Internets! :D

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Rubber Ducky is the One

Hiiii, My name is Paige and I have a problem

Internets: Hii Paaaige

My problem is this - I am a serial youtube subscriber. Thats right, I am currently subscriber to over 149 channels, more than 50 of them I have subed to since February. More than 20 in the last couple week. Yeeaaahhh

I started my youtuber/vlogger/awesome-people-doing-awesome-things-on-camera-for-my-entertainment addiction last year, almost exactly a year ago in fact. I cant remember who it started with, but I think it was Alex Day (also known as Nerimon) with his wonderful series of "Alex Reads Twilight" (fucking HIlaarious!). It was either him or the Vlogbros. All I really remember was that it was my friend Sulli who first introduced me to both of these channel (or all three of these people lol). I blame her for getting me addicted haha.
It started to build slowly from there - Meekakitty, Charlieissocoollike, WheezyWaiter, CommunityChannel, Nanalew (my first Canadian vlogger :D). I dont remember how I managed to run across most of these people, but I really enjoyed watching them.

Obviously I didnt stop there. After my first rush of subscriptions it did slow down a bit, subscribing to a few a month. Some of my newer favourites were Tobuscus or Toby Turner, Elmify, 5AG, MysteryGuitarMan. Hopeonatenspeed. But now its starting to get out of hand. When I started I would go through and literally watch every single video they had. Then as I got more and more subscriptions (and had less time on my hands, especially once school began) I would watch a handful or so. Now I watch maybe MAYBE two of them. If one of my favourite vloggers recomends them - I'll subscribe to them. Sometimes without even watching a video. But honestly? I havent regretted a "recommended sub" yet.

I guess the next question is "why?" Why am I so addicted to these people. Well theres numerous reason - Some of the are really really funny, some of them are really interesting, some of them are crazy talented. But it goes beyond that - I really enjoy watching people learn and grow, which all of these people do. I enjoy watching people, getting to know them, which a lot of these people let you do (I do acknowledge that its odd that I know them so well and they have no idea who I am lol). Its almost like people who are obsessed with celebrities and TV shows, but the difference is that the people on youtube? They're real people living real lives who just want to share it with yuo in their own way. Its relatable and its interesting. That is why I love youtube so much.

... this post was much more seriouser than I intended. Alright, enough with the deepness!
Ttyl Internets!

Monday, 4 April 2011

One fish, two fish

After an exceedingly frusteratin morning with my techonologicals that normally love me, I have handed in my last assignment for the year  (yay!) and now need to figure out what to do with the rest of my day (... studying should probably be thrown in there somewhere lol).

Since I dont really have anything too deep and meaningful to write, I think I'll just write you a poem my dear Internets. Enjoy!

Upon a cushion you did sit
Enjoying the attention every last bit
And while you sat upon your seat
You ate food you shouldnt eat

Your stomach got big, round and fat
Stuffing your face like some undignified prat
But you wouldn't stop, so it just grew and grew
You felt overwhelmed, but continued to chew

Maybe, you decided, it was time to stop
Just when you heard an unmistakeable pop
That last bite you threw in when your stomach was loaded?
Was the last thing you tasted as your stomach EXPLODED!

Maybe I should have written this on a Wednesday :P. (That was a Wheezy Waiter reference for yuo all YouTube fans :D).

And on that note, I bid yuo aideu internets. You are wonderful, goodnight! (...afternoon...)

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Shut up, sit down and eat your broccoli!

It astounds me how much I am like the rest of my family. That might seem like a realy stupid statement, but hear me out.

I've always kinda seen myself as the neutral one - my family are a very large (if you include my extended family lol) group of VERY opinionated people. Now I'm not saying I've never had opinions, I've just always felt I was relatively neutral on most subjects. Often I would keep my opinions to myself, or more likely express them but try to be 'non-confrontational' about it. "Yeah, its my opinion, but yours is a cool opinion to. No really, I mean it! Long live yuor opinion... even if its the wrong opinion".

This idea of mine kinda spurs from the fact that I dislike being politically involved in things. I hear people squabbling about politics and I just get bored, I just "dont care" (one of my favourite sayings in these circumstances). And even still I cant sit through Ignatieff or Harper drone on about why the other one is evil and why they would do better running the country. When my family (extended or immediate) would start talking politics, I'd normally tune out or find something else to amuse me.

In the past 8 months (aka since I've started at my current university, University of Western Ontario, in my current program, Health Sciences) that I have a HELL of a lot of opinions. And I seem to be less afraid of rocking the boat than I like to think I am. In fact, I really enjoy having conversations and debates on these subject [disclaimer: I still seem to apologise a lot for my opinion "Sorry, its just, apparently I feel strongly about this. How weird is that?! Sorry... sorry...]. I esspecially love having these discussions with someone of the opposite opinion. This is how I am like my family - if there is one defining feature of being a Goodwin (with much Schwenk blood in me, Schwenks being my mothers side of the family) is that we LOVE to argue. Its really just what we do. Some of my fondest memories growing up are based around arguing ... not even kidding haha.

Mostly I think this opinionated, arguementative and, honestly, idealistic side of me, has really come out in the past 8 months because I am in school. This sounds stupidly cheesy, but University is opening my eyes and ears and brains to things I've never really thought about before. And giving me the facts about these issues as well. I dont like arguing when I am going to be proven wrong, but now that I have actual fact and research to back it up - I can argue to my hearts content because, even if I am wrong, I have facts to back up my wrongness damnit! And really, isnt that what its all about in the end? :D

Saturday, 2 April 2011

G'day Mates, is that a wallaby in your pocket?

I just have to share my exciting news really quick!

My sister is doing a Uni exchange in Australia this year. This summer (July to be specific!) my fam has decided to go on a big trip to visit her :D!!!! IM GOING TO AUSTRALIA BITCHESSSSSSSS

That is all. Goodnight Internets :D

Picturing you in your Underwear

Aha! Day two and I haven't failed yet (sort of... shhhh). I'd like to think thats some kind of an acomplishment right? Right?!

So I had a loverly interview thss morning. To be a food service guru at a Golf Club/Water Park/Recreational Facility type place. Looks like it could be fun, serving a bunch of drunk golf executives and sugar hyped children :P. What better way to spend your summer eh?
Interviews always get me, because they just feel so fake. Its like "This is the character I have created for myself, love it damnit!" I seem to play up the "people person" aspect of my personality.
Q- What makes you an asset for this type of work?
Me - I love people!
Q - Whats your weakness?
Me- I help people to much
Q- Why do you want to work here?
Me - Because of the people!
Q - What makes work fun?
Me - The people!
Q - Whats your passion?
I feel as tho these answer could easily turn into "Im actually the creeper that stares at you on the bus and plans to eat your babies." But honestly, its not true... most of the time :D

The rest of my day shall be me finishing up my oh-so-giant *sarcasm* 3-page assignment/paper thingy for my Health class and then pretending to study. Might even go for a run later, because I'll all motivated and suchlike.

Talk to yuo laters Internets!

Testing 1...2...3...

So this is just a quick first post - I've spent way to long editing my banner and I think I should spend time actually writing this silly thing.

I've decided to write this, well, mostly, just to see if I could. I've had troubles keeping up blogs before, so I decided to see if I could change that. And by deciding to change that I mean, Im going to try BEDA. Maybe if I blog everyday for a little while, I'll learn to do it regularly. Plus its just a good excuse to skip out on studying :D

Anyway, Im dead tired so I shall go bed sleep now. Frig around more with my layout in the morning. Night!

P.S. Yes I do realise its techincally April 2nd now, which means already Im failing at BEDA. My excuse is that I only decided to do this tonight and only just figured out my banner thingy now and had lost track of time. At least Im TRYING :P